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已有 1965 次阅读 2020-3-21 16:00 |个人分类:文献摘要|系统分类:科研笔记| 水生昆虫, 河岸蜘蛛, 捕食性, 食草性



河流产生了大量横穿陆地的水生昆虫,在那里它们可以对捕食者产生自下而上的影响,而捕食者反过来又可以对陆地草食动物产生自上而下的影响。这种效应可以向下蔓延到植物身上。这些营养关系在德国一条河边的刺荨麻(Urtica Dioica)田里得到了证明。在岸边,与30-60m以外的类似微生境相比,摇蚊的丰度和生物量最高,蜘蛛的丰度和生物量也最高,草食性叶蝉的丰度和生物量最低。在岸边,荨麻植物受到草食动物的破坏较小,因此再生长较少。蜘蛛经常捕获水生摇蚊和陆生叶蝉,它们在岸边捕获的这两个群体的个体数比远离河岸的地方更多。摇蚊支撑着高密度的河岸蜘蛛。这是在没有其他环境梯度的情况下,从分布和饮食的相关性中推断出来的。将蜘蛛从试验田中移走,导致岸边的叶蝉增加,造成更多的植物损害。这些影响在远离海岸且蜘蛛被移除的区域并不明显。这表明蜘蛛只在岸边抑制了叶蝉,减少了他们对植物的损害。结论是,水生昆虫对蜘蛛有自下而上的影响,这种影响促进了从蜘蛛到叶蝉再到植物的自上而下的效应。类似的效应可以解释节肢动物在许多河流中的分布。异地媒介作用将河流食物网和岸边食物网连接起来,使这两个组成部分彼此不可或缺。


Rivers produce an abundance of aquatic insects that traverse land, where they can have bottom-up effects on predators, who, in turn, can have top-down effects on terrestrial herbivores. This effect can cascade down to plants. These trophic relationships were demonstrated in a field of stinging nettles, Urtica dioica, along a river in Germany. At the shore compared to similar microhabitats 30–60 m away the abundance and biomass of: midges were highest, spiders were also highest, while herbivorous leafhoppers were lowest. At the shore, nettle plants were less damaged by herbivores and thus had less regrowth. Spiders regularly captured both aquatic midges as well as terrestrial leafhoppers and they captured more individuals of both groups at the shore than further away. Midges supported high densities of shore spiders. This was inferred from correlation of distribution and diet in the absence of other environmental gradients. Removal of spiders from experimental plots caused leafhoppers to increase at the shore, causing more plant damage. These effects were not evident at spider-removal sites away from the shore. This demonstrated that spiders depressed leafhoppers and decreased herbivory on plants only at the shore. It is concluded that aquatic insects had a bottom-up effect on spiders and that this subsidy facilitated a top-down effect that cascaded from spiders to leafhoppers to plants. Similar effects would explain the distribution of arthropods along many rivers. Allochthony connects river food webs with shore food webs, making both components essential for each other.



Henschel, J.R., Mahsberg, D., Stumpf, H., 2001. Allochthonous aquatic insects increase predation and decrease herbivory in river shore food webs. Oikos 93, 429-438.

最近的2篇文献,都提到了水生昆虫密度与 河岸蜘蛛丰度之间的关联,暗示水生昆虫对于蜘蛛的重要性,也许以后会有人循着这个思路,找出这一现象的根源。


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