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Large light absorption coefficients, tunable bandgaps, high tolerance to defects, long carrier lifetimes as well as diffusion lengths render lead halide perovskite materials ideal candidates for optoelectronic devices. Except application in solar cell, photodetectors based on perovskite materials have been recognized as another game changer due to the achievements such as high responsivity of 1.9 ×104 A/W[1], gain factor larger than 5.0 × 104[1], large detectivity of 1014 J[2], high on/off ratio of 105[3], fastest response time down to 1 ns[4], large linear dynamic range exceeding 170[5] and low detachable light intensity as small as 1 pW/cm2[6], which demonstrate the potential applications of perovskite based photodetector in the areas of weak light detection, fast detection. Expect those properties, perovskite material has shown filter-less narrowband detection[7, 8] as well as promising photodetection ability in flexible device[9]. Recently, lead halide perovskites have also shown promising detection ability for high energy ionized radiation like X-ray and γ ray. The perovskite-based detector shows much lower detection limit around 5 nGyair/s[10] and larger sensitivity around105 μC/(Gyair·cm2)[11, 12], which are even better than that of currently commercialized devices.
Those advantages have extended to imaging devices, which were achieved by assembling pixel array on perovskite materials (Fig. 1)[13, 14] or incorporating perovskite materials with TFT array[15]. The former strategy is easy to be accomplished and demonstrate the image ability of perovskite photodetector. However, the lager distance between pixel make it hard to achieve high-resolution images and compete with CMOS chip used in cell phone, which has pixel distance around 2 μm. While TFT could facilitate to obtain a high-resolution image, the electric connections between perovskite material and TFT pixels was not that good to show the full potential of perovskite detectors.
Figure 1. (Color online) (a)–(c) Schematic illustration for the projection imaging mechanism. A prepatterned photomask was used directly above the imaging assembly. Under light illumination, the optical pattern is projected through the mask with bright and dark contrast to form the image of the mask on the sensor unit. (d)–(f) The corresponding photocurrent outputs from each pixel measured under 2 V bias with different optical patterns of “0123”, “SNNU”, and an image of a butterfly. Reproduced with permission[13]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.
The further efforts should be paid on: (1) the design and building of integrating circuit on large size single-crystalline perovskites. Single-crystalline perovskite shows better optoelectronic properties and detection performance than those of poly-crystalline thin films. However, the large-size single-crystalline perovskite is till limited. At the same time, ionic nature of perovskite makes it not compatible with currently used photolithography technology, which is urgent for developing high-resolution imaging sensor. (2) working mechanism of perovskite detector. Perovskite is an ionic and electronic transport. The electrical as well as optical stimulations will affect the transportation as well as distribution of these two kinds of carriers. The better understanding of the complex transportation phenomenon will easy the design and fabrication of high-performance devices. (3) device stability. As well known, perovskite will decompose under the stresses of light, heat, humidity. For detector, the heat and humidity are most important factors affecting its stability and should be concerned during device design and material selection. (4) toxic problem. That is a dilemma accompanying with the development of lead halide perovskite devices. As lead provides very good optoelectronic properties for perovskites, the toxic problem is much concerning during the large-scale application of perovskite materials. Less toxic materials with similar optoelectronic properties are desired.
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1963年生,宁夏平罗人,陕西师范大学教授。1983年获陕西师范大学理学学士学位,1986年获兰州大学理学硕士学位,1992年获美国西北大学工学博士学位,研究方向为物理化学。 研究领域集中在纳米材料、薄膜材料、太阳能光伏材料、电光薄膜的电化学沉积、激光表面处理和光伏技术的开发、放大和生产等方面。研究成果引起了广泛重视,其发表在《Science》上的C60分子结构被国际著名杂志长期用作封面照片,发表在英国《Nature》上的成果被许多报纸、刊物报道评论,多篇论文成为被“最多引用的论文”(most cited paper)。主要发明和专利中有多项已转化成工艺和产品,其它大部分被应用在生产上,其中“透明太阳能薄膜电池”荣获号称“发明家的奥斯卡奖”的“世界最佳发明奖”(R&D 100)。1998年入选 “世界科学家工程师名人录”。 点击阅读刘生忠教授文章:http://www.jos.ac.cn/article/doi/10.1088/1674-4926/41/5/050401?pageType=en Perspective on the imaging device based on perovskite materials Zhou Yang, Shengzhong Liu J. Semicond. 2020, 41(5): 050401 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/41/5/050401 “钙钛矿半导体光电材料与器件”专刊 《半导体学报》组织了一期“钙钛矿半导体光电材料与器件”专刊,并邀请中科院半导体研究所游经碧研究员、华中科技大学唐江教授、南京理工大学曾海波教授和南京工业大学王建浦教授共同担任特约编辑。该专刊已于2020年第5期正式出版并可在线阅读,欢迎关注。 专刊详情请见:半导体学报2020年第5期——钙钛矿半导体光电材料与器件
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