Schrodinger equation plays an important role in Quantum Mechanics.
Despite the mathematical difficulties for analytic solutions, we can always try to obtain the numberical solution. In the following paragraphs, I am going to show the numerical simulation of the tunneling effect and the double-slit inteference based on the time-dependent Schrodinger equation.
The reference is this one.
The python script can be found in my github.
Tunneling effect
This effect has been used by Gamow to explain the alpha decay in nuclear physics. It is also the principle behind the scanning-tunneling microscope. It says that a particle can pass through a potential in quantum mechanics, which is forbidden in classic physics.
Let us look at the simulation at different times. We start with a Gaussian wave package. The barrier is put at x=50. Clearly, we can see a part of the wave package penetrating the barrier at late times.
Double-slit interference experiment
The two-slit apparatus is put at x=50. From the second plot, we can clearly see two slits. From the last plot, we can see the interference pattern on both sides of the two-slit barrier. This is because we have scattered (forward) and reflected (backward) waves.
It is interesting absolutely, helping us to see how a wave envolve with time. You are welcome to use the codes in my github ( https://github.com/xialigang/schrodinger ). You only need to install PYTHON and ROOT, which are used in the field of experimental high-energy physics (and other fields ofcourse).
I would say the numerical simulation algorithm is very simple. You can try by youself (one day is enough). The thing I did not tell you is that I spend a lot time adjusting the parameters and spend a lot of CPU time to produce these beautiful plots.
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