Green Energy & Environment第六卷第五期已正式出版。本期共收录文章16篇,其中research highlight 1篇,review article 2篇,research paper 13篇。部分文章中文解读已推送,关注公众号“绿色能源与环境GEE”即可阅读。其他文章中文解读将在近期推送,敬请关注~
*封面文章:太原理工大学张小超副教授团队研究论文——Assisting Bi2MoO6 microspheres with phenolic resin-based ACSs as attractive tailor-made supporter for highly-efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction。
封底文章:东南大学肖睿教授团队研究论文——Earth abundant spinel for hydrogen production in a chemical looping scheme at 550 °C。
Research highlight
Emerging high-power NIR-emitting phosphor-converted LEDs
Xiaoyong Huang*(黄小勇)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.11.021 扫码获取全文 Review articles Jin-Tao Ren, Yali Yao, Zhong-Yong Yuan*(袁忠勇) This overview summarized recent advances in different methodologies for the preparation of porous materials for electrocatalytic overall water splitting, including thermal decomposition, electrochemical deposition, template-assisted strategy, hydrothermal strategy, wet chemical and other strategies. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.11.023 扫码获取全文 Shengnan Li, Shih-Hsin Ho, Tao Hua, Qixing Zhou, Fengxiang Li*(李凤祥), Jingchun Tang Biochars are produced from neutral sources (i.e., agricultural wastes). The morphology and catalytic performance of biochar electrodes must be elucidated through measurements. Overall, biochars possess remarkable electrocatalytic properties for ORRs and are considered to be ORR electrocatalysts with developmental potential. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.11.010 扫码获取全文 Research papers Wenfen Wu, Chenye Wang*(王晨烨), Xingrui Wang, Huiquan Li V and Fe from Spent SCR catalyst could be efficiently leaching by oxalic acid and the leaching behaviors were successfully predicted by Avrami kinetic model. Toxicity risk of V and Fe in spent SCR catalyst reduced significantly after recovery. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.03.011 扫码获取全文 Huining Zhang*(张会宁), Zhuowei Zhang, Kewei Jiang, Zhili Li, Kefeng Zhang, Jianqing Ma, Yongxing Qian The effect of salinity on biological nitrogen and denitrifying phosphorus removal was investigated in a MUCT system. All the COD, NH4+-N, TN and TP removal rates exhibited a trend of decline with the salt concentration increasing, so increased salinity had a detrimental effect on PAOs, DPAOs, SND. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.008 扫码获取全文 Kun Yang, Zhenhua Gu, Yanhui Long, Shen Lin, Chunqiang Lu, Xing Zhu, Hua Wang, Kongzhai Li*(李孔斋) Chemical looping reforming of coke oven gas to produce pure H2 is proposed in the present work by using La1-xSrxFeO3 perovskite oxides as oxygen carriers. The doping of suitable amounts of Sr in LaFeO3 perovskite (e.g., La0.5Sr0.5FeO3) significantly promotes the reactivity for selective oxidation of methane to syngas and inhibits the formation of carbon deposition. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.027 扫码获取全文 Assisting Bi2MoO6 microspheres with phenolic resin-based ACSs as attractive tailor-made supporter for highly-efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction There exist effective synergistic effects between ACSs, with enhanced CO2 absorption and admirable electrical conductivity, and Bi2MoO6, with suitable oxidation reduction potentials and bandgap, realizing that Bi2MoO6/ACSs displays as 1.8 times CO2 reduction activity to CO as bulk Bi2MoO6 under simulated sunlight irradiation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.014 扫码获取全文 MOF-derived zinc manganese oxide nanosheets with valence-controllable composition for high-performance Li storage The porous ZMO nanosheets were obtained from 2D MOF precursors using PVP as a soft template. By analyzing ZMOs from different annealing temperature, we disclosed that the higher-valent Mn the ZMO contains, the more additional capacity it gains upon cycling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.010 扫码获取全文 Visible-light-induced hydrogenation of biomass-based aldehydes by graphitic carbon nitride supported metal catalysts The photocatalyst of Pd supported on graphitic carbon nitride (Pd/g-C3N4) exhibits excellent catalytic activity in photo-induced hydrogenation of biomass-based furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural with environmental benign reagents of formic acid as proton source and triethylamine as sacrificial electron donator. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.07.004 扫码获取全文 Effective regeneration of high-performance anode material recycled from the whole electrodes in spent lithium-ion batteries via a simplified approach In this research, a simplified recycling process is explored to recycle all valuable components from electrodes in spent LiCoO2-graphite battery and regenerate CoO/CoFe2O4/EG as a high-performance anode material for LIBs. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.017 扫码获取全文 Facile γ-ray irradiation synthesis of Pt/GA nanocomposite for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol The platinum/graphene aerogel (Pt/GA) nanocomposite was synthesized by a clean, green route. What's more, Pt/GAexhibited outstanding catalytic activity for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.016 扫码获取全文 Semi-interpenetrating network anion exchange membranes based on quaternized polyvinyl alcohol/poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) Quaternized PVA and PDDA are introduced to improve the conductivity, the ring structure of PDDA also improves alkaline stability of AEMs. The semi-interpenetrating network AEMs with microporous structure exhibit good ionic conductivity, mechanical strength and alkaline durability. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.015 扫码获取全文 Comparative adsorption of heavy metal ions in wastewater on monolayer molybdenum disulfide Among the heavy metal ions, the monolayer MoS2 sheet is the most suitable for absorbing Ni2+ and Cr3+, followed by Cu2+ and Pb2+, and the monolayer MoS2 sheet has weak adsorption strength to Zn2+, Cd2+, and Hg2+. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.019 扫码获取全文 Machine learning and high-throughput computational screening of hydrophobic metal–organic frameworks for capture of formaldehyde from air The combination of machine learning and high-throughput computational screening were employed to calculate and to identify the top-performing hydrophobic metal–organic frameworks for the removal of formaldehyde from N2 and O2. 扫码获取全文 Production of high-purity hydrogen from paper recycling black liquor via sorption enhanced steam reforming H2 production with 96% purity and 0.9 mol H2 mol−1 C yield was achieved by sorption-enhanced steam reforming of black liquor over a Ni−CaO−Ca12Al14O33 bi-functional catalyst, the sulfur removal was also realized by storing it as CaSO3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.07.002 扫码获取全文 Earth abundant spinel for hydrogen production in a chemical looping scheme at 550 °C Mn addition in earth-abundant spinels improves the reduction reaction by enhancing the oxygen-ion diffusion and the reactivity with steam to produce hydrogen at 550 °C, enabling its potential for chemical looping applications at mid-temperatures. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.011 扫码获取全文Fabrication strategies of porous precious-metal-free bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting: Recent advances
Sustainable biochar as an electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells
Removal of V and Fe from spent denitrification catalyst by using oxalic acid: Study of dissolution kinetics and toxicity
Salt effect on MUCT system performance of nitrogen and phosphorus removal
Hydrogen production via chemical looping reforming of coke oven gas
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