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GSAB-9篇 ESR-6篇 QSR-12篇

已有 2348 次阅读 2024-8-17 20:59 |系统分类:科研笔记

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队


GSA Bulletin-9

Earth-Science Reviews-6

Quaternary Science Reviews-12

Mineral, bulk rock, and isotope geochemistry of the Late Cretaceous Sabzevar ophiolite in NE Iran and the magmatic and tectonic evolution of a continental back-arc basin oceanic crust in the Mesozoic Tethyan orogenic belt


GSA Bulletin


Heterogeneous incorporation of trace elements at the microscale and nanoscale during episodic epitaxial growth of pyrite


GSA Bulletin


Pre-Himalayan tectono-metamorphic impresses in the Baijnath klippe, Kumaun Himalaya, NW India: Implications on a veiled saga of PaleoproterozoicNeoproterozoic crustal evolution and thermal history of the northern Indian cratonic margin


GSA Bulletin


Postglacial ocean methane release from the northern South China Sea


Quaternary Science Reviews


Detecting the impact of climate change on alpine mass movements in observational records from the European Alps


Earth-Science Reviews


First detection in Australia of cryptotephra likely to be derived from the 25.6 ka ōruanui supereruption in New Zealand

澳大利亚首次发现隐绦虫可能来自新西兰25.6 ka ōruanui超级火山喷发

Quaternary Science Reviews


Late Pleistocene sea-level constraints across Antarctica


Quaternary Science Reviews


Paleoseamounts in Yarlung Zangbo suture zone reveal dynamic processes of the Early Cretaceous Neo-Tethys lithosphere


GSA Bulletin


Biomarker reconstructions of temperature and hydroclimate variability in Vietnam during Marine Isotope Stage 3


Quaternary Science Reviews


Abrupt structural deformation changes from the boundary to the interior of a craton basin: Implications for the long-term stability of cratonic blocks


GSA Bulletin


Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the southern Simao Basin, SE, and its paleogeographic implications


GSA Bulletin


Impact of paleohydrological conditions on wetland organic carbon accumulation in the monsoon-arid transition zone of North China during the Holocene


Quaternary Science Reviews


An updated reconstruction of Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy) ground deformation history and its interaction with the human sphere since Roman time

Campi Flegrei火山口(意大利南部)自罗马时代以来地面变形历史及其与人类领域相互作用的更新重建

Quaternary Science Reviews


Geological Evolution of the Karakoram Terrane since Neoproterozoic


Earth-Science Reviews


Fracture sets and sequencing


Earth-Science Reviews


The economy of salt production and consumption in Baden-Württemberg (Germany)


Quaternary Science Reviews


Holocene warmth explains the Little Ice Age advance of Sermeq Kujalleq

全新世的温暖解释了Sermeq Kujalleq的小冰期推进

Quaternary Science Reviews


Aridity record of the Arabian Peninsula for the last 200 kyr: Environmental magnetic evidence from the western equatorial Indian ocean


Quaternary Science Reviews


Evolution and uranium mineralization of the northern Ordos Basin revealed by detrital zircons of the Jurassic strata


GSA Bulletin


Stable carbon isotopes and bulk-sediment geochemistry as indicators of relative sea-level change in tidal marshes, mangroves and isolation basins: Application and developments


Quaternary Science Reviews


Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal

通过对顺贝加尔湖和跨贝加尔湖沉积物的微炭和花粉分析,重建了32 ka BP以来贝加尔湖地区的植被和火灾历史

Quaternary Science Reviews


Desertification baseline: A bottleneck for addressing desertification


Earth-Science Reviews


Precipitation is the main control on the global distribution of soil clay minerals


Earth-Science Reviews


Late Eocene sodic calc-alkaline lamprophyre in Gangdese batholith, southern: Implications for mantle metasomatism by carbonatitic melt


GSA Bulletin


Quaternary volcanism in southeastern: A record of Neo-Tethyan oceanic slab stagnant in the mantle transition zone


GSA Bulletin


Solar modulation of the western tropical Pacific hydroclimate over the last 1200 years

过去~ 1200年来西热带太平洋水文气候的太阳调制

Quaternary Science Reviews


Machine learning for subsurface geological feature identification from seismic data: Methods, datasets, challenges, and opportunities


Earth-Science Reviews




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