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Geoscience Frontiers 8篇;Gondwana Research 6篇;PR 9篇

已有 1445 次阅读 2023-4-25 15:36 |系统分类:科研笔记

Geoscience Frontiers 8篇;Gondwana Research 6篇;Precambrian Research 9

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队



Eolian versus fluvial supply to the northern Arabian Sea during the Holocene based on Nd isotope and geochemical records


Geoscience Frontiers


An updating of landslide susceptibility prediction from the perspective of space and time


Geoscience Frontiers


How high can fracture porosity become in the ultra-deep subsurface?


Geoscience Frontiers


Petrogenesis of granitic pegmatite veins: perspectives from major element and B isotope in tourmalines, Chakabeishan, Northern Tibetan Plateau


Geoscience Frontiers


Cretaceous source to sink system reconstruction of northeastern Asian continental margin: Insight from integrated detrital geochronology in NE China


Geoscience Frontiers


Contribution of the cryosphere to runoff in “Chinese water tower” based on environmental isotopes


Geoscience Frontiers


Large earthquakes along slow converging plate margins: Calabrian Arc paleoseismicity based on the submarine turbidite record


Geoscience Frontiers


Does nuclear energy reduce carbon emissions despite using fuels and chemicals? Transition to clean energy and finance for green solutions


Geoscience Frontiers


Paleo-Asian oceanic crust trapped by irregular continental margin contributes to the continental growth: Evidence from airborne gravity and magnetic imaging across the Alxa tectonic belt, Central Asia


Gondwana Research


Late Paleozoic alkaline granitoids of the Southwestern and Northern Mongolia: U–Pb ID TIMS zircon dating, petrogenesis and implications for post-accretion and anorogenic activity of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt

蒙古西南部和北部晚古生代碱性花岗岩类:U-Pb ID TIMS锆石定年、岩石成因及其对中亚造山带后增生和造山活动的指示意义

Gondwana Research


Do natural resource dependence, economic growth and transport energy consumption accelerate ecological footprint in the most innovative countries? The moderating role of technological innovation


Gondwana Research


The role of wind energy towards sustainable development in top-16 wind energy consumer countries: Evidence from STIRPAT model


Gondwana Research


Achieving carbon neutrality target in the emerging economies: Role of renewable energy and green technology


Gondwana Research


Crustal structure of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas revealed from ambient noise tomography


Gondwana Research


Evolutionary stasis during the Mesoproterozoic Columbia-Rodinia supercontinent transition


Precambrian Research


New evidence for the Baltican cratonic affinity and Tonian to Ediacaran tectonic evolution of West Avalonia in the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada


Precambrian Research


Relict Mesoarchean (2.99–2.94 Ga) metamorphism overprinted by late Neoarchean tectonothermal event(s) from the Sukma Group supracrustal rocks, Bastar craton, India: Evidence from new Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd garnet isochron and Th-U-total Pb monazite ages

印度Bastar克拉通Sukma群上壳岩石中新太古代(2.99-2.94 Ga)晚期构造热事件复盖的残余变质作用:来自石榴石Lu-HfSm-Nd等时线和Th-U与总Pb独居石年龄的证据

Precambrian Research


Metamorphic evolution of the UHT granulites from Mandikota, Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, India: Constraints from phase equilibria modelling, fluid inclusions and monazite U-Th-total Pb geochronology

印度东高止活动性带曼迪克塔UHT麻粒岩的变质演化:来自相平衡模拟、流体包裹体和独居石U-Th-total Pb年代学的约束

Precambrian Research


Distinguishing geobiological signatures from organic matter in the Ediacaran chert nodules


Precambrian Research


Deposition of a newly identified Mesoproterozoic iron formation from the Dabie orogen: Influenced by high-T hydrothermal fluid and redox stratification


Precambrian Research


Hot plutonism in a cold accretionary wedge: What terminated the Cadomian orogeny along the northern periphery of Gondwana?


Precambrian Research


Brine reflux as a possible first order control on the alkali geochemistry of baseline sedimentary rocks in the Proterozoic North Australian Zinc Belt


Precambrian Research


Neoproterozoic amphibolite-facies metamorphism of the Douling complex in the northern Yangtze Craton and its tectonic implications: Constraints from petrology and zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes


Precambrian Research




上一篇:Earth and Planetary Science Letters 6篇;GCA 3篇;CG 11篇
下一篇:Economic Geology 10篇;Mineralium Deposita 1篇;OGR 14篇
收藏 IP: 222.85.214.*| 热度|


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