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赢了温伯格先生一本签名赠书 精选

已有 20214 次阅读 2013-4-1 06:15 |个人分类:拾穗记|系统分类:人物纪事| 量子力学, weinberg, 新书热读



诺贝尔奖获得者当然也会犯错,特别是在研究论文中会出一些甚至很简单的错误。但是如果说诺贝尔奖获得者在教科书中出原则性的错误、进而导致理论基本全面出问题,也不是不可能。不过,这种事情历史上似乎还没有出现过。如果说此人是温伯格(S. Weinberg),更是绝对不会有人相信!  一位现在美国的学生告诉我,“温伯格的书都是自己亲自校稿,他那三本QFT一个下标的错误都没有。”的著作Gravitation and Cosmology,1972年版至今,未作任何修订。试问天下豪杰,有谁敢说其中有错?

S. Weinberg 已经80高龄但是精力旺盛,创造力惊人不仅亲上讲台、亲任研究所长还独立撰写文章,去年就有5篇之多啊。他的个人主页如下:


在他的个人主页上,还可以看到非常霸气的提示Notice: Messages will not be read unless the subject line gives the subject of the message in plain text. Attachments will not be opened unless the sender is known to Professor Weinberg.




经过多年的研究生课程《(高等)量子力学》教学之后,温伯格于201211月发表新著《Lectures on quantum mechanics》,有关链接如下:

Cambridge Press: http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item6855597/?site_locale=en_GB

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Lectures-Quantum-Mechanics-Steven-Weinberg/dp/1107028728




之一:I've had this book in my lap for just one day, but it is clear that this book is filled with wise and insightful views. This book surpasses Dirac in clarity and equals Dirac in elegance. Well worththe wait.

之二:Weinberg finally wrote abook on non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Any body who's read his other books knows he's a master of clear prose. The concision and clarity of his exposition rivals that of any other physics author.

之三:What immediately struck me is that Weinberg is more clear on the concepts before jumping into the math, which is what I always found frustrating.

之四:Any one wondering if the world needed another text on nonrelativistic quantum mechanics will have his doubts immediately dispelled by this wonderful new book from Steven Weinberg. Weinberg, of course, is one of the most eminent livingphysicists, having shared the 1979 Nobel Prize with Abdus Salam (my Ph.D.supervisor) and Sheldon Glashow for creating the unified field theory of theweak and electromagnetic interactions. His intelligence, erudition and experience are again convincingly demonstrated here.


何况新书热读,乃读书人一大快乐!夜不能寐,手不能离,茶饭不思,心无旁骛, 都是常态。老夫聊发少年狂,一口气,两天之内读罢,358




注意这是一本研究生教材,不是周世勋《量子力学教程》那种初等量子力学水平上的教材。每一位研究生和研究人员,本来就要具备质疑、确认、和自我排除问题的能力。研究生和研究人员要求每一本著作一无所错、放之四海而皆准,首先要反问一下自己是否合格?  温伯格的这本书,想不成为经典都难! 任何学过周世勋《量子力学教程》水平量子力学的研究生和研究人员,特别值得认真学习这部书。


不过,这本教科书真有一个问题,而且是一个原则性的错误(fundamental error),它导致关于约束体系量子力学理论其实全部都出了问题。这个问题太严重了! 有必要立即告诉温伯格。当然知道温大人有不予理睬的告示,我也足够卑谦,不会指望他会回复我的邮件。

问题明确,邮件的subject就直截了当:A fundamental mistake in your recent book Lectures on Quantum Mechanics.




去信:20133311.05 PM

Dear Prof. S.Weinberg:

I read your recent book on quantum mechanics, and identify that there is a fundamental error on fundamental commutators (Eq. 9.5.28, P.289) between different components of momentum, which must be nonzero. A derivation is attached. In the attached PDF file, some typos are listed.

If I am right, can you offer me a book with your signature on? Any book of your own does.

Sincerely yours

Q. H. Liu


回信:201333111.22 PM

Dear Dr. Liu,

You are correct.  I now see where I made my mistake --- when one differentiates a function of momentum and position with respect toposition, the momentum is held fixed, so that a constraint like Eq. 9.5.8 that involves both momentum and position is not preserved.

I will be glad to send you a signed copyof my book on Cosmology.  I will also correct this error.  It may be too late for the corrected result to appear in the second printing of the book, which should be published soon, but it will definitely appear in a second edition, which will probably be published in 2014.

All best wishes,

Steven Weinberg


在岳麓山早晨的鸟鸣声中,我吃惊地发现,温伯格于清晨3.08AM又给我发了一封感谢信。他说,It occurs to me that I ought also to respond to your list of typos. 原来,我给他指出的三处打印错误,一处不算,一处别人已经指出过了,一处是他新知道的。于是要对我说一声:Thanks again.






近读荀子。荀子说过:“学莫便乎近其人。......。方其人之习君子之说,则尊以遍矣,周于世矣。故曰:学莫便乎近其人。”   “学之经,莫速乎好其人,隆礼次之。” (《荀子第一,劝学》)  和温老这次交道,我对荀子的理解又多了一点。


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