“看”指一目十行。开始练习时,可以先一眼看一句,至少要一眼几个单词。练习一段时间后,再一眼看一段。反正就是不能一个词一个词地默念,否则,即使英文单词很熟了,也永远不能提高阅读速度。怎样才能避免习惯性的默念呢?本人自己总结的一个窍门就是:在看的同时,心里不停地无意识地机械性重复默念123, 123, 123……..。默念数字的目的是防止不自觉地默念英文单词。只要坚持这么练习下去,你的英文阅读速度很快就可以像读中文报纸一样快了。
Mr. and Mrs. Long have a poor memory, and they are also very careless. Compared with the careless parents, their daughter Linda is quite different. Linda is very careful in doing things. If Mr. and Mrs. Long can act carefully and remember to check their work, they’ll not cause so much trouble in their life.
One summer they plan to fly to New York for a visit. They get to the airport only ten minutes before the plane leaves. So time is short. But suddenly Mrs. Long says she must tell Linda, their daughter, not to forget to lock the front door when she leaves for school in the morning. As Linda is then at school, they can't reach her on the phone. So the couple hurries to the post office. Mrs. Long writes a short note to Linda, while Mr. Long buys as tamp and an envelope. Soon the note is ready. They put the stamp on the envelope and drop it in the letter box in a hurry. But suddenly Mrs. Long begins to cry. The short note to her daughter is still in her hand. She has put their plane tickets in the envelope!
1.金振奎、金明、贾若溪,2018, 《科研论文写作方法与技巧》. 北京:石油工业出版社(主要内容:为什么要会写论文、科技论文、综述论文、社科类论文、课题申请书、口头汇报、评审意见、投标书、写作技巧 等等。图书链接:当当网)
2.金振奎、王金艺、梁婷、朱小二等,2021, 沉积地质学(约140万字). 北京:石油工业出版社(图书链接:https://item.jd.com/10043913081901.html)
3.金振奎、朱小二、王金艺、王昕尧、任奕霖、王凌等, 2020,天津冀州区元古宇地层与沉积考察指导书(中英对照,46万字). 北京:石油工业出版社(图书链接:https://item.jd.com/13031562.html)
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