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First Day without the Bandage

已有 2880 次阅读 2010-10-17 19:31 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它| Doctor, Wound, Bandage

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007, Sunny

Last week this day, I tumbled on a birthday party and got a wound on the left brow. Then the doctor sutured the wound for me and left a bandage on my head. Since then, I have worn a white bandage for a week, with the changing of it every one day. It was not a big one, the size is about 4cm*8cm. Three or four adhesive tapes were used to fix the bandage on the skin. However, I was not used to it, I can't bear that there is a piece of redundant cloth on the seeable part of my body; not to mention that it was bad for my sight. Although people around me told me that it is not so ugly, I was extremely boring with that redundant white bandage. The days went on, the feeling mounted up.

But I can't do anything about it; everybody who wounded should be bind up with bandages, or things will be worse and even a terrible scar will be left. What I can do is just injecting the medicine and exchanging the bandage according to the doctor's advice.

Due to the treatment form the doctor and the care of Hua, the wound was gradually recovered. Yesterday the doctor dismantled the suture for me successfully. After that, I need only keep the bandage for one or two days.

In fact, I say goodbye earIier than the it should, for I can't help to remove the bandage which has bored me for nearly one week last evening. So today is a new day. The whole day I feel light and relaxed physically and mentally. I find out that the days without bandage and being healthy are much more loveable.


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