Our favorite science news stories of 2017 (By David Grimm, http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/12/our-favorite-science-news-stories-2017)
What dogs hear when we talk to them.
New theory may explain the ‘music of the meteors’.
How the slimy hagfishties itself up in knots—and survives shark attacks.
Moms, should you eat your placentas?
Why do shoelacesuntie themselves?
Stray Wi-Fi signals could let spies see inside closed rooms.
‘Chemist’ ants brew antibiotic cocktail to protect their colony
Monarch miscalculation: Has a scientific error about the butterflies persisted for more than 40 years?
Massive balloonshelp polar scientists build underground tunnels.
The Greeks really do have near-mythical origins, ancient DNA reveals.
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