Volume 3, Issue 1
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Authors Maria I. Katsidoniotaki, Ioannis Petromichelakis, Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou*
Keywords Wiener path integral, nonlinear system, stochastic dynamics, nanomechanics
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Authors Jinghong Wang, Xiaoting Rui*, Xun Wang, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou, Junjie Gu*
Keywords conservative forces, eigenvalue analysis, ideal hinges, modal transformation, multibody system transfer matrix method, state perturbation
Dynamic characteristics of large permanent magnet direct‐drive generators considering electromagnetic–structural coupling effects
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Authors Qinkai Han*, Xueping Xu*, Zhihong Zhang, Yifeng Yan, Chao Peng, Fulei Chu
Keywords permanent magnet direct-drive generators, dynamic characteristics, electromagnetic–structural coupling effects, conformal mapping, magnetic equivalent circuit model, electromagnetic springs
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Authors Dongdong Li*, Zongbai Deng, Guoping Chen
Keywords functionally graded material, sandwich plate, equivalent-single-layer theory, free vibration
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Authors Harry J. Carpenter*, Mergen H. Ghayesh*, Anthony C. Zander, Peter J. Psaltis
Keywords computational fluid dynamics, divergence, fluid–structure interaction, topology, wall shear stress
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Authors Yexiong Huang, Enmin Chen, Jialiang Sun*, Dongping Jin
Keywords space tether, wave control, elastic metamaterial, absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF), vibration suppression
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AuthorsYang Liu, Juan Du, Jichao Li, Yang Xu, Junqiang Zhu*, Chaoqun Nie
Keywords stall diagnosis, entropy feature extraction algorithm, fuzzy approximate entropy, axial compressor
Nonlinear stochastic dynamics research on a Lorenz system with white Gaussian noise based on a quasi‐potential approach
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Author Yong Huang*
Keywords stochastic dynamics, Lorenz system, quasi-potential, chaos, transition phenomenon
Volume 3, Issue 2
Development of new electromagnetic suspension–based high‐speed Maglev vehicles in China: Historical and recent progress in the field of dynamical simulation
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Authors Sansan Ding, Peter Eberhard*, Georg Schneider, Patrick Schmid, Arnim Kargl, Yong Cui, Ullrich Martin, Xin Liang, Chao Huang, Markus Bauer, Florian Dignath, Qinghua Zheng
Keywords Maglev, high-speed Maglev vehicle, magnetic levitation, simulation models, dynamic simulation, vehicle dynamics
Analytical modeling on the vibration response of a beam‐stiffened Mindlin thick plate with free boundary conditions
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Authors Hui Guo, Kai Zhang*
Keywords vibration, beam-stiffened Mindlin thick plate, free boundary condition, finite integral transform
Multiple control of thermoelectric dual-function metamaterial
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Authors Pengfei Zhuang, Jiping Huang*
Keywords transformation thermotics, thermoelectric effect, dual-function thermal metamaterials, thermal management
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Authors Mohamed I. A. Othman*, Ebtesam E. M. Eraki, Mohamed F. Ismail
Keywords piezoelectrics, normal mode analysis, gravity, micro-elongated thermoelastic, dual-phase-lag (DPL) model
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Authors Pingxin Wang*, Xiaoting Rui, Feifei Liu, Guoping Wang, Hailong Yu, Bin He, Junjie Gu
Keywords crawler system, polygon effect, damper, elastic track tensioning device, hybrid damping fuzzy semiactive control
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Authors Jiancong Shi, Baoming Xu, Xinglong Wang, Jun Zhang*
Keywords fault diagnosis, frequency band segmentation, adaptive stochastic resonance, improved grasshopper optimization algorithm, synthetic quantitative index
Experimental‐ased study of gear vibration characteristics incorporating the fractal topography of tooth surface
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Authors Qi'ao Lei, Lei Yuan, Xin Yu, Yunyun Sun*, Hongguang Li
Keywords spur gear, fractal roughness, vibration amplitude, surface morphology
Volume 3, Issue 3
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Authors Xiaoting Rui, Marco Amabili, Peter Eberhard, Yonggang Huang
Isola in a linear one‐degree‐of‐freedom feedback system with actuator rate saturation具有作动器速率饱和的线性单自由度反馈系统中的岛
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Authors Duc H. Nguyen, Thomas L. Hill, Mark H. Lowenberg
frequency response, harmonic forcing, rate saturation, isola, dynamical system
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Yiling Lian, Jingya Sun, Lan Jiang*
ultrafast electron imaging, charge transfer, time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy, scanning ultrafast electron microscopy, ultrafast transmission electron microscopy
Design, fabrication, and dynamic mechanical responses of fiber‐r einforced composite lattice materials
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Jian Xiong, Cheng Gong, Qianqian Wu, Li Ma, Jinshui Yang, Linzhi Wu*
fiber-reinforced composite, lattice structures, sandwich structures, dynamic mechanical behavior
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Jin Zhao, Hui Li, Yang Xu*
structural dense displacement recognition, deformable structural mesh model, deep-learning-based monocular vision, self-supervised learning
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Mohammadreza Eghbali, Seyed Amirhosein Hosseini*
graphene-reinforced aluminum-based composite (GRAC) beams, moving load, Laplace transform, elastic foundation, analytical solution, aluminum-based
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Weicheng Huang*, Huaiwu Zou, Yongjun Pan*, Kai Zhang, Junjie Zheng, Jinpeng Li, Shuai Mao
tether-net system, space debris capture, nonlinear dynamics, multiflexible body dynamics
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Mingliang Zheng*
fractional factor, nonconservative singular systems, Lie symmetry, conserved quantity
Volume 3, Issue 4
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Tong Zhang, Qinbo Zhou*, Yanni Zhang, Hang Zhang
Vibration control for the solar panels of spacecraft: Innovation methods and potential approaches
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Dongxu Li, Wang Liu*
solar panels, dynamic modeling, decentralized vibration control, engineering application technology
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Hanqing Liu, Fajie Wang*, Chuanzeng Zhang*
sound barrier, acoustic analysis, material distribution optimization, semianalytical meshless method
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Melis Baltan‐Brunet, Fionna Kopp, Philip D. Cha*
vibration suppression, nonuniform beam, vibration absorber, finite element, enforcing nodes
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Da Yu, Benqiang Yang, Kai Yan, Changsheng Li*, Xiang Ma, Xiangyu Han, He Zhang, Keren Dai*
projectile-fuze, dynamic transfer model, impact, finite element
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Mingqian Li, Lifeng Wang*
van der Waals, 2D materials, transition metal dichalcogenides, molecular dynamics, continuum model, vibration
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Jiaying Sun, Huiyi Yang, Dongwu Li, Chao Xu*
acoustic emission, bolted joints, friction, fretting wear, hysteresis loops
Effect of temperature on tensile and vibration properties of bilayer boron nitride
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Demin Zhao*, Kexin Fang
bilayer hexagonal boron nitride, five stacking mode, temperature, natural frequency, molecular dynamics simulation
期 刊 简 介
IJMSD由来自18个国家的21位院士、17位国际学会主席、20位国际期刊主编等69位科学家和国际出版巨头美国Wiley出版社合作创办。主编为国际机械系统动力学学会(International Society of Mechanical System Dynamics, ISMSD)主席、中国科学院院士、南京理工大学芮筱亭院士,3位合作主编为加拿大工程院院士、欧洲科学院院士、加拿大麦吉尔大学Marco Amabili 院士,国际理论与应用力学联盟(International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, IUTAM)前司库、国际多体系统动力学协会(International Association for Multibody System Dynamics, IMSD)前主席、德国斯图加特大学Peter Eberhard 教授和美国工程院及科学院院士、欧洲科学院外籍院士、英国皇家学会外籍院士、中国科学院外籍院士、美国工程科学协会前主席、美国西北大学Yonggang Huang 院士。
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