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1. 提出了一种基于ABAQUS和用户自定义子程序接口VUAMP的耦合建模方法,研究了薄壁圆管类能量吸收器在烟火设备中的应用;
2. 建立了耦合含能材料燃烧过程和薄壁圆管缓冲过程的数学模型;
3. 分析了壁厚、长度、内径3种结构参数对薄壁圆管缓冲性能的影响。
1. A coupled modeling method based on ABAQUS and the user-defined subprogram interface VUAMP is proposed to investigate the application of thin-walled circular tube to pyrotechnic devices as an energy absorber.
2. The mathematical model coupling the combustion process of energetic materials and the buffering process of thin-walled circular tubes is developed.
3. The influences of three structural parameters, i.e., wall thickness, length, and inner diameter, on the buffer performance of thin-walled circular tubes are analyzed.
南京理工大学江坤副研究员和卢兴淦博士等合作在《国际机械系统动力学学报(英文)》(International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics, IJMSD)发表题为“基于耦合建模技术的多结构参数对薄壁圆管缓冲性能的影响”的研究论文。该文借助耦合建模技术,揭示了烟火设备中作为能量吸收器的薄壁圆管的压溃机理,并分析了多结构参数对其缓冲性能的影响。结果表明,建立的耦合模型能够模拟烟火设备工作过程中复杂的相互作用,并获得动态冲击载荷。进一步研究发现,薄壁圆管的内径、壁厚和长度主要影响的是薄壁圆管的压溃过程及其最大冲击过载,而对能量吸收量的影响较小;其中壁厚对最大冲击过载的影响最显著。该文方法可用以预测作用于薄壁圆管的冲击载荷,分析薄壁圆管的缓冲性能,从而为烟火设备中薄壁圆管的应用与结构设计提供参考。
Abstract: Pyrotechnic devices are widely used in the aerospace and defense industries. However, these devices generate high‐frequency and high‐amplitude shock responses during their use, compromising safe operation of the system. In this paper, the application of a thin‐walled circular tube as the energy absorber in pyrotechnic devices is investigated. To accurately predict the shock load and the buffer performance of the thin‐walled circular tube, a coupled model connecting the energetic material combustion and finite element simulation is established. The validity of the coupled model is verified by comparing with experiments. Then, the collapse mechanism of the thin‐walled circular tube is studied, and the influence of multiple structural parameters on its buffer performance is analyzed. The results show that the thin‐walled circular tube effectively reduces the shock overload. The maximum shock overload reduced from 572 612 to 11 204 in the studied case. The structural parameters of the thin‐walled circular tube mainly affect the deformation process and the maximum shock overload. The order of importance of structural parameters to the maximum shock overload is determined, among which the wall thickness has the most significant effect.
pyrotechnic device, shock response, thin-walled circular tube, buffer performance, coupled model
DOI: 10.1002/msd2.12060
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Cite this article: Jiang K, Lu X, Wang H. Influence of multiple structural parameters on buffer performance of a thin-walled circular tube based on the coupling modeling technique. Int J Mech Syst Dyn. 2022;2: 374-390. doi:10.1002/msd2.12060
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作 者 简 介
江 坤 南京理工大学副研究员,工学博士,硕士生导师。获兵器科技进步二等奖1项。参与完成国防预研项目、演示验证项目、工程型号项目等课题30余项。发表论文30余篇。主要从事子母弹抛撒系统技术、低过载弹射、战斗部毁伤效能评估、武器发射过程流场数值模拟等方面的研究与教学工作。
卢兴淦 南京理工大学博士。参与国防预研项目多项。发表论文7篇。主要从事子母战斗部抛撒系统技术和发射动力学等方面的研究。特别关注多物理场耦合形成的复杂相互效应研究。
王 浩 南京理工大学研究员,工学博士,博士生导师。获省部级科技进步二等奖一项、三等奖两项。主持完成国家“高新工程”、重点型号及国防预研等项目20余项。发表论文50余篇,撰写教材和专著3部。长期从事兵器发射技术和弹药弹道理论与应用领域的科研与教学工作,以武器发射动力学、子母战斗部开舱抛撒技术及子弹药弹道理论等为主要研究方向。
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IJMSD由来自18个国家的21位院士、17位国际学会主席、20位国际期刊主编等69位科学家和国际出版巨头美国Wiley出版社合作创办。主编为国际机械系统动力学学会(International Society of Mechanical System Dynamics, ISMSD)主席、中国科学院院士、南京理工大学芮筱亭院士,3位合作主编为加拿大工程院院士、欧洲科学院院士、加拿大麦吉尔大学Marco Amabili院士,国际理论与应用力学联盟(International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, IUTAM)前司库、国际多体系统动力学协会(International Association for Multibody System Dynamics, IMSD)前主席、德国斯图加特大学Peter Eberhard教授和美国工程院及科学院院士、欧洲科学院外籍院士、英国皇家学会外籍院士、中国科学院外籍院士、美国工程科学协会前主席、美国西北大学Yonggang Huang院士。
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