W. He, X. X. Mu, L. Zhang, and Y. Zou, "Modeling and trajectory tracking control for flapping-wing micro aerial vehicles," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 148-156, Jan. 2021. Abstract This paper studies the trajectory tracking problem of flapping-wing micro aerial vehicles (FWMAVs) in the longitudinal plane. First of all, the kinematics and dynamics of the FWMAV are established, wherein the aerodynamic force and torque generated by flapping wings and the tail wing are explicitly formulated with respect to the flapping frequency of the wings and the degree of tail wing inclination. To achieve autonomous tracking, an adaptive control scheme is proposed under the hierarchical framework. Specifically, a bounded position controller with hyperbolic tangent functions is designed to produce the desired aerodynamic force, and a pitch command is extracted from the designed position controller. Next, an adaptive attitude controller is designed to track the extracted pitch command, where a radial basis function neural network is introduced to approximate the unknown aerodynamic perturbation torque. Finally, the flapping frequency of the wings and the degree of tail wing inclination are calculated from the designed position and attitude controllers, respectively. In terms of Lyapunov’s direct method, it is shown that the tracking errors are bounded and ultimately converge to a small neighborhood around the origin. Simulations are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. 丁进良,杨翠娥,陈立鹏,柴天佑.基于参考点预测的动态多目标优化算法.自动化学报, 2017, 43(2): 313-320. 摘要 为了快速跟踪动态多目标优化问题变化的Pareto前沿,本文提出一种基于参考点预测策略的动态多目标优化算法(PDMOP)。该算法对关联到相同参考点的个体建立时间序列,并对这些时间序列通过线性回归模型预测新环境下种群。同时,将历史时刻的预测误差反馈到当前预测中来提高预测的准确性,并在每个预测的个体上加入扰动来增加初始种群多样性,从而能够加快算法在新环境下的收敛速度。通过4个标准测试函数对该算法测试,并和两个现有算法对比分析,结果表明所提算法在处理动态多目标优化问题时能够保持良好的性能。 ........................................... 唐贤伦,杜一铭,刘雨微,李佳歆,马艺玮.基于条件深度卷积生成对抗网络的图像识别方法.自动化学报, 2018, 44(5): 855-864. 摘要 生成对抗网络(GAN)是目前热门的生成式模型。深度卷积生成对抗网络(DCGAN)在传统生成对抗网络的基础上,引入卷积神经网络(CNN)进行无监督训练;条件生成对抗网络(CGAN)在GAN的基础上加上条件扩展为条件模型。结合深度卷积生成对抗网络和条件生成对抗网络的优点,建立条件深度卷积生成对抗网络模型(C-DCGAN),利用卷积神经网络强大的特征提取能力,在此基础上加以条件辅助生成样本,将此结构再进行优化改进并用于图像识别中,实验结果表明,该方法能有效提高图像的识别准确率。
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