Xin Zhao, Suli Zou and Zhongjing Ma, "Decentralized Resilient H∞ Load Frequency Control for Cyber-Physical Power Systems Under DoS Attacks," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1737-1751, Nov. 2021.
✎ In the presence of DoS attacks, the closed-loop LFC model of each area is modeled as an aperiodic sampled-data system with external disturbances. ✎ A transmission interval-dependent looped functional is proposed to obtain new BRL and controller design method against the modeled system above. ✎ A decentralized resilient H∞ LFC scheme is presented.
Zhanjie Li and Jun Zhao, "Adaptive Consensus of Non-Strict Feedback Switched Multi-Agent Systems With Input Saturations," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1752-1761, Nov. 2021.
✎ An adaptive consensus protocol for non-strict feedback switched multi-agent systems with input saturation is proposed. ✎ The structural property of Gaussian basis functions is introduced to handle the non-strict feedback terms. ✎ Common Lyapunov function is constructed for all the subsystems to deal with unknown switching mechanisms.
Jingdong Lin, Zheng Lin, Guobo Liao and Hongpeng Yin, "A Novel Product Remaining Useful Life Prediction Approach Considering Fault Effects," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1762-1773, Nov. 2021.
✎ A degradation model based on Wiener process is proposed considering the fault effects. ✎ Expectation maximization algorithm is employed to estimate model parameters. ✎ The Copula function is used to describe the dependence of characteristics.
Zhichao Feng, Wei He, Zhijie Zhou, Xiaojun Ban, Changhua Hu and Xiaoxia Han, "A New Safety Assessment Method Based on Belief Rule Base With Attribute Reliability," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1774-1785, Nov. 2021.
✎ Safety assessment under environment interference. ✎ Complex system modeling based on observation data and expert knowledge. ✎ A new calculation method for belief rule reliability is developed where the input reliability and uncertain expert knowledge are both considered.
Van Nhan Vo, Hung Tran and Chakchai So-In, "Enhanced Intrusion Detection System for an EH IoT Architecture Using a Cooperative UAV Relay and Friendly UAV Jammer," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1786-1799, Nov. 2021.
✎ The detection capabilities and system performance of an EH IoT architecture. ✎ A UR cooperates with a friendly UJ to detect the UE in 3D space. ✎ The closed-form expressions for the DP, throughput, and IP.
Yonghao Du, Ling Wang, Lining Xing, Jungang Yan and Mengsi Cai, "Data-Driven Heuristic Assisted Memetic Algorithm for Efficient Inter-Satellite Link Scheduling in the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1800-1816, Nov. 2021.
✎ A well-designed framework to address both normal and quick-response ISL scheduling. ✎ A high-performance memetic algorithm via multi-strategies for normal ISL scheduling. ✎ A quick data-driven heuristic via probability prediction for quick ISL scheduling.
Gaofeng Li, Dezhen Song, Lei Sun, Shan Xu, Hongpeng Wang and Jingtai Liu, "Static Force-Based Modeling and Parameter Estimation for a Deformable Link Composed of Passive Spherical Joints With Preload Forces," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1817-1826, Nov. 2021.
✎ To balance the contradiction between flexibility and load bearing capacity, we introduce a deformable link composed of series of spherical joints. ✎ We present a static force-based model of spherical joints with preload forces and analyze the static force propagation in the deformable link. ✎ We proposed a low-cost calibration method to identify the model parameters.
Qingsong Liu, "Pseudo-Predictor Feedback Control for Multiagent Systems with Both State and Input Delays," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1827-1836, Nov. 2021.
✎ Pseudo-predictor based state feedback protocol was proposed for the multiagent systems with state and input delays. ✎ Full-order observer-based pseudo-predictor feedback protocols and reduced-order observer-based pseudo-predictor feedback protocols were proposed. ✎ It was shown that the consensus was achieved and the input delay was compensated by the proposed protocols.
Mohammad Hejri, "Global Practical Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Affine Systems via a General Quadratic Lyapunov Function and a Decentralized Ellipsoid," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1837-1851, Nov. 2021.
✎ Practical stability and Lyapunov stability are distinct concepts, and neither implies the other. ✎ A system may be practically stable with an acceptable performance yet still is Lyapunov unstable. ✎ New sufficient conditions are proposed for practical stabilization of switched affine systems.
Jun Mei, Zhenyu Lu, Junhao Hu and Yuling Fan, "Energy-Efficient Optimal Guaranteed Cost Intermittent-Switch Control of a Direct Expansion Air Conditioning System," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1852-1866, Nov. 2021.
✎ Guaranteed cost intermittent-switch control is first proposed in energy systems. ✎ This control method outperforms the guaranteed cost control on energy efficiency. ✎ This control method can handle the AC system with uncertain time-varying parameters.
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