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已有 6085 次阅读 2008-9-11 11:30 |个人分类:英文练习


1 Researchers have known that the use of optical instead of electrical signals for transferring data within a computer chip might result in significant performance enhancements since light signals can carry more information faster.

2  The stepper enables multi-layer imprinting with high-accuracy alignment.
【点评】alignment 理解不准确,很常见的一个词。

3 The separation between the two types of molecules is crucial to the photoconductivity – if the donor and acceptor molecules are close together they form charge-transfer assemblies where photochemically generated charge carriers become trapped and recombine.
【原稿】将TNF 与HBC分子隔开是纳米管光电导的重要关键。因为如果施体分子与受体分子彼此太接近,会长生电贺转移聚集的现象,如此一来,由光化学反应所产生的电荷将被捕捉并复合,无法导电。
【校对】将TNF 与HBC分子隔开是纳米管光电导的关键。因为如果施主分子与受主分子彼此太接近,会产生电荷转移聚集的现象,如此一来,由光化学反应所产生的电荷将被限俘并复合,无法导电。
【点评】 用词规范性,《96物理学名词》

4 Over the past few years European scientists and engineers have redefined what an optical fibre is, and recent years have seen continuing performance improvements that have enabled photonic crystal fibers to address entirely new applications.
【点评】European 欧洲,European Union 欧盟;redefine 不建议直译为“重新定义”,而且光纤的定义并没有改变,而只是更加深入、扩展。

5 In a normal dispersive medium, the velocity of a wave is proportional to its wavelength,

6 William Robertson and colleagues from Middle Tennessee State University in the US have managed to produce "faster than light" sound, however, by putting a sound pulse through a surprisingly simple waveguide.
【原稿】美国中田纳西州立大学的William Robertson及其同事成功地实现了超光速的声波,然而,他们的实验只是将声波脉冲通过一个非常简单的波导管。
【校对】然而,美国中田纳西州立大学的William Robertson及其同事只是使声波脉冲通过非常简单的波导就实现了超光速的声波。

7 It will have a strong impact on photodetectors used in applications ranging from portable phones to security, leading to cheaper more powerful cameras, and on greenhouse emissions by increasing energy efficiency of LEDs used in general and automotive lighting, in projection systems and in backlights for LCD displays

8 Almost all photonic components from LEDs and image sensors are limited in their size and performance by the so-called diffraction limit. In principle, light cannot be channeled efficiently through spaces smaller than the diffraction limit
    【点评】almost all“几乎所有”而不是“全部”,图像传感器应该一般也不发出光子,如CCD。

9 “Even in this age of pervasive digital content, our research shows that consumers are very reluctant to read on laptops, phones and PDAs,” said Simon Jones, vice president of product development at Plastic Logic. “We still carry around enormous amounts of paper. However, people are making less room in their lives for the weight and bulk of paper and are becoming more sensitive to the environmental impact of printing to read.
【点评】“phones”此处应该是“手机”而不是“电话”;对make room for 的理解不够准确,没有搞清楚主语是什么。

10 In the immediate future, we believe chipmakers will continue to order equipment in line with expected demand.
【点评】没有搞清楚“in line with”(符合,相一致)的含义,错误地翻译成了“在线”,同时导致了对后面“expected  demand”的理解,句首的时间状语没有翻译。

11 Laser marking remains a major market in terms of units sold.
【点评】Laser marking翻译成了“激光市场”,I am speechless. In terms of 理解不够准确。

12 VISX revenues declined steadily quarter over quarter during 2006, although the company overall beat revenue estimates for the year by $25 million.

13 Historically in the United States you needed a variance from the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) if you wanted to install a laser greater than 5 mW.
【原稿】在美国你要是想安装一个大于5mW的激光器,你就无法符合器械和辐射健康中心(Center for Devices and Radiological Health,CDRH)的要求。

14 LTPS and active-matrix OLED applications of the type supported by Jade now represent 20% of the small- and medium-display market,
  【原稿】 基于Jade玻璃的低温多晶硅和主动阵列OLED应用占小媒体显示市场的20%,
 【点评】Small- and medium-display 应该是中小型显示

15 Aegis Electronic Group is stocking Navitar's new Machine Vision Megapixel fixed focal length lenses.
【点评】ABOUT stocking: If a shop stocks particular goods, it keeps a supply of them to sell.

16 These machine vision lenses are the newest addition to Navitar's Low Magnification Video Lens line.
【点评】ADDITION 表示的是前者是对后者的一种补充或者说是升级
17 The new component, ..., is a 2x2 switch based on a passive optical device called a directional coupler.
【点评】PASSIVE这里的意思是“无源的”,passive devices, 无源器件
18 Cypress has a patent application on a similar technique, but we have now filed an alternative, and more fault-tolerant, method


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