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已有 15928 次阅读 2007-12-22 21:59 |个人分类:编而辑之|系统分类:人物纪事

据OPTICS LETTERS上的消息,Anthony J.Campillo不再继续担任期刊主编,由Alan E. Willner继任。
 Anthony J.Campillo 1973 年在康奈尔大学取得电子工程学博士,先后在通用电话和电子设备公司从事激光研究,在洛斯阿拉莫斯科学实验室研究超快光谱和非线性光学,在布鲁克海文国家实验室研究激光化学和气溶胶。最近几年,他作为美国海军实验室光物理部的负责人,研究主要集中在激光化学/生物分析、微腔效应,光子学与纳米技术。Anthony J.Campillo 在OPTICS LETTERS工作了15年,其中6年栏目编辑(topical editor),3年助理编辑,6年主编。在文章中他总结到在他的任期内,OL主要经历了以下变化:
  1. 年投稿量从1200左右增长到了2400;
  2. ISI影响因子由不到3增加到接近4;
  3. 引入ADS电子投稿与同行语文系统;
  4. 使电子版论文成为了记录版(不理解,原文是making the electronic version of an article the version of record);
  5. 栏目编辑数量翻了一番,美国以前的编辑数量增加到了60%,包括4名亚洲的;
  6. 在Medline可以检索期刊上的生物医学光学的论文;
  7. 建立了early posting;
  8. 引入了e-first出版;
  9. 出版周期由178天缩短到了110天;
  10. 引入OA;
  11. 对网络版的论文引入多媒体和链接参考文献;
  12. 把AIP虚拟期刊Virtual Jjournal of Utrafast Science and Optics in Bology and Medicine的超快光学论文引入OSA虚拟期刊Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics;

Alan E. Willner在哥伦比亚大学获电子工博士,在贝尔实验室做博士后研究,曾任南加利福尼亚大学电子工教授。在科技出版方面,他曾任IEEE/OSA J. Lightw. Technol.主编,IEEE J. Select. Topic. Quantum Electron.主编,并且在OSA年会, CLEO,OFC等著名国际会议担任重要职位。


Robert Terhune 1977-1983

Paul Kelley  1984-1989

Peter Smith  1990-1995

Anthony Johnson 1996-2001

Anthony Campillo 2002-2007


INTERVIEW with Optics Letters  ESI Special Topics, April 2003
Citing URL -
In this interview, Dr. Anthony J. Campillo, Editor-in-Chief of Optics Letters, talks about the citation record of this journal, particularly in the field of Photonics. When Special Topics analyzed research published in this field over the past decade, Optics Letters ranked at #6 by total citations, with 97 papers on Photonics garnering a total of 1,273 citations at the time of the analysis. Currently in the ISI Essential Science Indicators Web product, Optics Letters has 7,010 papers cited a total of 75,320 times to date in the field of Physics. 
  Why do you think Optics Letters is so highly cited?
I believe that the journal’s success is largely due to its established reputation for rapid publication and exceptionally high technical standards. These in turn lead to an environment attracting the best manuscripts/authors. Quality peer review, in particular, is key to the journal’s continuing high regard within the optics community. This aspect is enhanced by the journal’s association with the Optical Society of America (OSA), its publisher, and gives Optics Letters a considerable edge over journals offered by large commercial publishers. The OSA is a 13,000-member non-profit professional society dedicated to advancing and disseminating knowledge in all aspects of optics. Besides organizing several major international conferences yearly, the OSA also regularly promotes numerous smaller topical meetings to encourage researchers around the world, working on similar problems, to effectively network. The journal benefits from these networks by drawing its editors, who are all volunteers, from these specialized research communities. In addition to myself, there are 19 topical editors and four advisory editors from academia, government, and private enterprise, each an expert in his/her field and highly regarded professionally. The Topical Editors suggest referees they judge to be qualified and, in many cases, also know personally. Because of the societal connection and the personal contact between editors and referees, the referees feel a professional duty to promptly respond with critical and constructive reviews. In general, comments for each manuscript are solicited from at least two referees, and technical content, novelty, and need for rapid publication are evaluated. The relatively high rejection rate, which is currently about 50%, assures that only the highest quality manuscripts are published. Aside from the editors, the rest of the journal’s staff consists of full-time employees of the OSA. They coordinate routine correspondence between editors, reviewers, and authors, copy-edit accepted manuscripts, determine page layout and produce both the printed and online versions of the journal, all in a highly professional manner.
It is worth mentioning that the OSA also employs similar peer-review and production methods in their other print journals. Consequently, of the ISI-ranked OSA journals, all are listed in the top 10 of optics journals. Indeed, of the top 25 cited papers in Optoelectronics from 1991-1999, 22 were published in OSA journals (see Thomson ISI Special Topics, August 2001; http://esi-topics.com/optoelectronics/papers/a1.html). These include Optics Letters (8), Journal of the Optical Society of America B (7), the Journal of the Optical Society of America A (4), and the Journal of Lightwave Technology (3). Optics Letters has a somewhat higher impact factor than its sister journals, I suspect, because of its shorter mean-time-to-publication and its convenient three-page format. The other OSA print journals, intended as forums for full-length papers, have a less urgent production schedule.
  Have there been specific developments in the field of Physics that may have contributed?
Yes, there have been several. In particular, the area of ultrafast optical phenomena has produced the "year’s most-cited article" in Optics Letters in six of the last 10 years. Ultrafast optics encompasses methods to produce, characterize, and utilize light pulses with durations of femtoseconds or less. Although femtosecond lasers have been available since the mid-1970s, the experimental arrangements needed were quite a challenge to maintain. Day-to-day operation required continuing realignment of many complex optical components. Consequently, the field grew slowly despite its enormous potential in chemistry and physics. A breakthrough occurred with the discovery of Kerr-lens mode locking, first published in Optics Letters, which provided a far more simple arrangement. The six highly cited works are among those that contributed to the development of a novel Ti:sapphire laser employing Kerr-lens modelocking. Besides producing record-breaking short-duration pulses, the resultant light source was inherently more stable, easier to maintain, and amenable to commercialization. The much greater convenience of this system led to its increasingly widespread use in science and technology and a surge in the number of citations to this area.
Another exciting development has been the emergence of engineered nanostructured and microstructured optical materials. Examples of these include photonic band-gap materials, left-handed materials, and holey fibers. Light propagating in photonic band-gap materials, for example, behave much like an electron does in a semiconductor. Such metamaterials have, among other properties, strongly modified emissive behavior and are finding use in light-emitting diodes, stealth radar/infrared structures, and ultra low-noise optical detectors. Holey fibers are another example of a microstructured material. These have a regular pattern of micro-capillaries running along the length of the fiber. The effective refractive index of the composite lies between that of air and glass and so these materials may be configured to have properties not obtainable in the usual all-glass optical fibers. Applications envisioned include telecommunications, laser surgery, atom guiding, frequency metrology, and frequency conversion. An example of the latter was an Optics Letters’ article by Ranka et al. in 2000 in which a holey fiber was used to efficiently convert a red ultrafast pulse into a white-light continuum. Based on rate of recent citations, this article was identified by Sci-Bytes as the hottest paper in optics and acoustics published during the previous two years (http://in-cites.com/research/2001/december_17_2001-3.html).
A strong technological driver has been recent interest in optical fiber communication. Many issues important to the success of this concept involve the interaction and propagation of short-duration high-intensity pulses in fibers. So, this has generated a large body of supporting research in nonlinear optical phenomena, optical solitons, and the development of optical components such as switches, filters, and amplifiers needed for this technology. Optical fiber communication is an example of photonics, where photons have been substituted when convenient for electrons in high-speed microcircuits.
Finally, there has been a flurry of activity related to medical and biological aspects of optics. Diagnostics like optical coherence tomography, ultrafast gating, and diffusive wave optics are being employed to extract the image of an object deeply embedded in a highly scattering medium, such as a tumor in tissue. Another popular topic is optical tweezers, in which a tightly focused laser beam is used to trap and manipulate particles. Such tweezers allow fine control over forces as small as a few hundredths of a piconewton and have increased understanding of a wide variety of bio-motor molecules and mechanoenzymes. Other examples include novel nonlinear optical microscopes enabling high-resolution nondestructive chemical analyses in vivo and optical fiber sensors to measure blood-sugar content or to gauge the amount of radiation received during prostate cancer treatment.
  How do you envision the state of our knowledge in this particular field 10 years from now?
Optics is one of the oldest subfields of physics, yet is still very rich scientifically and technologically and continues to evolve. So I see rewarding times ahead. In some instances, for example, the continued expansion of optical diagnostics into biomedicine and the maturation of optical fiber communication and photonics are easily anticipated. Yet, based on past experience, some of the most important developments will likely not have been foreseen. Still, let me mention a few others that seem obvious. There are a number of highly unique optical materials that have just recently been fabricated. Two classes include nanostructured metamaterials and Bose-Einstein condensates. There will be a greater understanding of their optical behavior as well as practical devices constructed to utilize them. For example, left-handed materials, or structures displaying both a negative refractive index and magnetic permeability, show potential in the fabrication of novel lenses to overcome the diffraction resolution limit. This would have enormous implications in lithography, allowing the fabrication of the next generation of microchips and increasing the computing power of personal computers. Finally, I would expect optics to play a significant role in the development of quantum computers and quantum cryptography, applications that are currently in their infancy.
  What would you like to convey to the general public about Optics Letters’s work?
Optics is an exciting field in which to work, spanning as it does an impressive variety of visually stimulating and intellectually challenging phenomena. These include traditional optical instruments like microscopes and spectrometers as well as lasers, nonlinear optics, holography, quantum optics, photonics, cloud optics, optical computing and processing, ultrafast phenomena, and nanooptics. Optics also plays an important role in several sciences, including chemistry, biology, physics, materials, meteorology, and astronomy as well as areas of current technological importance, such as telecommunications, displays, and lighting. Devices such as fiber-optic perimeter sound sensors, chemical-biological agent detectors, and optical face-recognition camera systems are currently also having an impact on homeland defense. It is this interdisciplinary nature, inherent elegance, and practical relevance that attracts many to the field and, ultimately, causes optics papers to be generously cited.


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