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Molecular Plant:植物细胞内的磷稳态调控机制

已有 2103 次阅读 2022-9-14 20:20 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

A SPX domain vacuolar transporter links phosphate sensing and homeostasis in Arabidopsis

第一作者Mingda Luan


通讯作者:Sheng Luan


背景回顾:Excess phosphate (Pi) is stored into the vacuole through Pi transporters so that cytoplasmic Pi levels remain stable in plant cells. 

提出假设We hypothesized that the vacuolar Pi transporters may harbor a Pi-sensing mechanism so that they are activated to deliver Pi into the vacuole only when cytosolic Pi reaches a threshold high level. 

验证假设We tested this hypothesis using Vacuolar Phosphate Transporter 1 (VPT1), a SPX domain-containing vacuolar Pi transporter. Recent studies defined SPX as a Pi-sensing module that binds inositol polyphosphate signaling molecules (InsPs) produced at high cellular Pi status.

结果We showed here that Pi deficient conditions or mutation of SPX domain severely impaired the transport activity of VPT1. We further identified an auto-inhibitory domain in VPT1 that suppresses its transport activity. 

结论Taking together, results from detailed structure-function analyses, we propose that VPT1 is in the autoinhibitory state when Pi status is low and InsPs produced at high cellular Pi status binds SPX domain to switch on VPT1 activity to deliver Pi into the vacuole. 

总结This thus provides an auto-regulatory mechanism for VPT1-mediated Pi sensing and homeostasis in plant cells.


 摘 要 


 Sheng Luan 




doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.09.005

Journal: Molecular Plant
Published date: September 11, 2022

Mingda Luan, Fugeng Zhao, Guangfang Sun, Min Xu, Aigen Fu, Wenzhi Lan, Sheng Luan. A SPX domain vacuolar transporter links phosphate sensing and homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 2022. DOI: ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.09.005


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