第一作者:Shuyu Liu
通讯作者:Jing Wang
背景+问题:Hybridization and resulting introgression are important processes shaping the tree of life and appear to be far more common than previously thought. However, how the genome evolution was shaped by various genetic and evolutionary forces after hybridization remains unresolved.
主要研究:Here we used whole-genome resequencing data of 227 individuals from multiple widespread Populus species to characterize their contemporary patterns of hybridization and to quantify genomic signatures of past introgression.
结果1:We observe a high frequency of contemporary hybridization and confirm that multiple previously ambiguous species are in fact F1 hybrids. Seven species were identified, which experienced different demographic histories that resulted in strikingly varied efficacy of selection and burdens of deleterious mutations.
结果2:Frequent past introgression has been found to be a pervasive feature throughout the speciation of these Populus species. The retained introgressed regions, more generally, tend to contain reduced genetic load and to be located in regions of high recombination.
结果3:We also find that in pairs of species with substantial differences in effective population size, introgressed regions are inferred to have undergone selective sweeps at greater than expected frequencies in the species with lower effective population size, suggesting that introgression likely have higher potential to provide beneficial variation for species with small populations.
结论:Our results, therefore, illustrate that demography and recombination have interplayed with both positive and negative selection in determining the genomic evolution after hybridization.
** 王婧 **
个人简介: 2005-2009年,兰州大学,学士; 2009-2012年,兰州大学,硕士; 2012-2016年,瑞典于默奥大学,博士; 2016-2019年,挪威生命科学大学,博后; 2019-2020年,四川大学,特聘研究员; 2021-至今,四川大学,教授。 研究方向:主要利用生物信息学分析方法对多组学数据进行整合研究,通过与分子生物学实验技术结合,最终致力于解析植物适应性进化的分子遗传机制。主要包括以下几个方面的研究工作: 1)物种形成的群体遗传学 2)适应性进化的遗传基础 3)基因组进化
doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msac008
Journal: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Published date: February 03, 2022
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