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Current Biology:拟南芥根组织中,细胞分裂素通过LBDs起始次生生长

已有 2878 次阅读 2021-6-21 08:47 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Cytokinins initiate secondary growth in the Arabidopsis root through a set of LBD genes

第一作者Lingling Ye


通讯作者Ari Pekka Mähönen


大背景During primary growth, plant tissues increase their length, and as these tissues mature, they initiate secondary growth to increase thickness. 

大问题:It is not known what activates this transition to secondary growth.

小背景Cytokinins are key plant hormones regulating vascular development during both primary and secondary growth. During primary growth of Arabidopsis roots, cytokinins promote procambial cell proliferation and vascular patterning together with the hormone auxin. In the absence of cytokinins, secondary growth fails to initiate. Enhanced cytokinin levels, in turn, promote secondary growth

提出问题:Despite the importance of cytokinins, little is known about the downstream signaling events in this process.

主要发现:Here, we show that cytokinins and a few downstream LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN (LBD) family of transcription factors are rate-limiting components in activating and further promoting secondary growth in Arabidopsis roots. 

结果1:Cytokinins directly activate transcription of two homologous LBD genes, LBD3 and LBD4. Two other homologous LBDs, LBD1 and LBD11, are induced only after prolonged cytokinin treatment. 

结果2:Our genetic studies revealed a two-stage mechanism downstream of cytokinin signaling: while LBD3 and LBD4 regulate activation of secondary growth, LBD1LBD3LBD4, and LBD11 together promote further radial growth and maintenance of cambial stem cells. 

结果3LBD overexpression promoted rapid cell growth followed by accelerated cell divisions, thus leading to enhanced secondary growth. 

结果4:Finally, we show that LBDs rapidly inhibit cytokinin signaling. 

结论:Together, our data suggest that the cambium-promoting LBDs negatively feed back into cytokinin signaling to keep root secondary growth in balance.


 摘 要 



** Ari Pekka Mähönen **





doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.05.036

Journal: Current Biology

Published online: June 14, 2021


上一篇:Genome Biology:利用挪威云杉育种项目收集的表型数据进行GWAS分析
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