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Plant Communications:樟子松表型变异与遗传变异的差异模式

已有 1737 次阅读 2021-1-1 10:51 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Divergent pattern between phenotypic and genetic variation in Scots pine

第一作者David Hall


通讯作者Xiao-Ru Wang


背景回顾In boreal forests, autumn frost tolerance in seedlings is a critical fitness component because it determines survival rates during regeneration. 

研究目的与方法:To understand the forces that drive local adaptation in this trait, we conducted freezing tests in a common garden setting for 54 Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) populations (>5000 seedlings) collected across Scandinavia into Western Russia, and genotyped 24 of these populations (>900 seedlings) at >10,000 SNPs.

结果1-表型变异:Variation in cold hardiness among populations, as measured by QST, was above 80% and followed a distinct cline along latitude and longitude, demonstrating significant adaptation to climate at origin.

结果2-遗传分化:In contrast, the genetic differentiation was very weak (mean FST 0.37%).

结果3-SNP标记分布特征:Despite even allele frequency distribution in the vast majority of SNPs among all populations, a few rare alleles appeared at very high or at fixation in marginal populations restricted to Northwestern Fennoscandia.

结果4-基因型与环境、表型关联:Genotype-environment associations showed that climate variables explained 2.9% of the genetic differentiation, while genotype-phenotype associations revealed a high marker-estimated heritability of frost hardiness 0.56, but identified no major loci.

展望:Very extensive gene flow, strong local adaptation and signals of complex demographic history across markers are interesting topics of forthcoming studies on this species to better clarify signatures of selection and demography.

 摘 要 



**Xiao-Ru Wang**






doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xplc.2020.100139

Journal: Plant Communications

Published online: Dec 29, 2020


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