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Nature Plants:拟南芥和独脚金中绕过GA通路的种子萌芽机制

已有 2616 次阅读 2020-5-27 08:34 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

SMAX1-dependent seed germination bypasses GA signalling in Arabidopsis and Striga

第一作者Michael Bunsick


通讯作者Shelley Lumba


研究基础Parasitic plant infestations dramatically reduce the yield of many major food crops of sub-Saharan Africa and pose a serious threat to food security on that continent.

研究背景:The first committed step of a successful infestation is the germination of parasite seeds primarily in response to a group of related small-molecule hormones called strigolactones (SLs), which are emitted by host roots.

提出问题:Despite the important role of SLs, it is not clear how host-derived SLs germinate parasitic plants. In contrast, gibberellins (GA) acts as the dominant hormone for stimulation of germination in non-parasitic plant species by inhibiting a set of DELLA repressors.

结果:Here, we show that expression of SL receptors from the parasitic plant Striga hermonthica in the presence of SLs circumvents the GA requirement for germination of Arabidopsis thaliana seed. Striga receptors co-opt and enhance signalling through the HYPOSENSITIVE TO LIGHT/KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE 2 (AtHTL/KAI2) pathway, which normally plays a rudimentary role in Arabidopsis seed germination. AtHTL/KAI2 negatively controls the SUPPRESSOR OF MAX2 1 (SMAX1) protein, and loss of SMAX1 function allows germination in the presence of DELLA repressors.

结论:Our data suggest that ligand-dependent inactivation of SMAX1 in Striga and Arabidopsis can bypass GA-dependent germination in these species.

 摘  要 

寄生植物入侵会导致撒哈拉以南非洲地区的主要农作物严重减产,对那片大陆的粮食安全产生了严峻的威胁。寄生植物一次成功的入侵首先是从寄生种子的发芽开始的,而该过程主要是响应于寄主植物根部释放出的一类相关的小分子激素,即独脚金内酯(strigolactones, SLs)。尽管独脚金内酯十分重要,但目前我们对于其如何起始寄生植物的种子萌芽还不清楚。相反,植物激素赤霉素(gibberellins, GAs)在非寄生性植物中,通过抑制一系列的DELLA抑制因子,来刺激种子萌发。本文中,作者发现在拟南芥中表达来自寄生性植物黄独脚金(Striga hermonthica)的一个SL受体,能够使得拟南芥的种子萌发规避掉对于GA的需求。来自Striga的受体能够通过AtHTL/KAI2通路来增强信号转导,而AtHTL/KAI2通常在拟南芥种子萌发过程中扮演一个并不是特别关键的角色。AtHTL/KAI2负调控SMAX1蛋白,而SMAX1基因功能的缺失能够使得种子在存在DELLA抑制子的情况下仍旧可以发芽。本文的研究揭示了独脚金和拟南芥中,配体依赖型的SMAX1蛋白失活能够绕过GA依赖型的种子萌发。


**Shelley Lumba**





doi: 10.1038/s41477-020-0653-z

Journal: Nature Plants

Published date: May 25, 2020

p.s. 植物种子萌发相关研究延伸阅读:


上一篇:The ISME Journal:干旱和植物凋落物化学成分影响微生物的基因表达和代谢产量
下一篇:The EMBO Journal:低温响应调控子CBF1能够在环境温度下促进拟南芥下胚轴生长
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