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Nature Plants:温敏核雄性不育通过减缓发育恢复育性

已有 2757 次阅读 2020-4-1 08:44 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Slowing development restores the fertility of thermo-sensitive male-sterile plant lines

First author: Jun Zhu; Affiliations: Shanghai Normal University (上海师范大学): Shanghai, China

Corresponding author: Zhong-Nan Yang 

Temperature-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) lines are widely used in the breeding of hybrid crops, but by what means temperature as a general environmental factor reverses the fertility of different TGMS lines remains unknown. Here, we identified an Arabidopsis TGMS line named reversible male sterile (rvms) that is fertile at low temperature (17 °C) and encodes a GDSL lipase. Cytological observations and statistical analysis showed that low temperature slows pollen development. Further screening of restorers of rvms, as well as crossing with a slow-growth line at normal temperature (24 °C), demonstrate that slowing of development overcomes the defects of rvms microspores and allows them to develop into functional pollen. Several other Arabidopsis TGMS lines were identified, and their fertility was also restored by slowing of development. Given that male reproductive development is conserved, we propose that slowing of development is a general mechanism applicable to the sterility–fertility conversion of TGMS lines from different plant species.

Schematic diagram of the time course of Arabidopsis pollen development at 24 °C and 17 °C.

温敏核雄性不育(TGMS)系广泛运用于作物的杂交育种,但温度作为一个通常的环境因子,其是如何逆转不同TGMS株系的育性的还不清楚。本文中,作者鉴定了一个拟南芥的可逆雄性不育(rvms)温敏核雄性不育系,其在低温17°C时是可育的,编码一个GDSL脂肪酶。细胞学观察与统计分析显示低温能够减缓花粉的发育。进一步对于rvms的恢复筛选,以及与一个在常温24 °C下生长缓慢的株系进行杂交,作者发现发育的减缓可以克服rvms株系小孢子的缺陷,并且能够进一步发育成具功能性的花粉。作者同样在其它的一些拟南芥TGMS系中进行了测试,均发现发育的减缓能够恢复这些TGMS系的育性。考虑到植物的雄性生殖发育比较保守,作者认为发育减缓是一个通用的机制,作用于不同植物物种中温敏核雄性不育系的育性转换。

p.s. 在农业中,雄性不育(male sterility)株系作为育种材料用于杂交育种,从而通过杂种优势实现高产。雄性不育一般分为两类,即细胞质雄性不育(cytoplasmic male sterility,CMS)和细胞核雄性不育(genic male sterility,GMS)。前者主要用于三系杂交系统,分别有不育系、保持系和恢复系,其中不育系(细胞质雄性不育)需要与保持系(与不育系同核异质)杂交,从而获得不育系的种子;不育系与恢复系(携带能够使得不育系恢复育性的基因)杂交获得杂交种子,用于种植;另外,保持系与恢复系各自自交就可以分别获得保持系和恢复系。而在后者中,环境敏感型的雄性不育可以通过改变环境因子(温度和光周期)来逆转育性。其中,温度敏感型细胞核雄性不育(简称:温敏核雄性不育)广泛用于两系杂交育种系统(不育系+恢复系),其在雄性不育亲本可以在低温条件下实现可育,从而不再需要额外的保持系。

通讯:杨仲南 (http://cls.shnu.edu.cn/5f/08/c25077a679688/page.htm)



doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-020-0622-6

Journal: Nature Plants

Published date: March 30, 2020


上一篇:Plant Cell:芦笋Y染色体连锁的两个基因作用于性别决定
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