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Plant Cell:芦笋Y染色体连锁的两个基因作用于性别决定

已有 2443 次阅读 2020-3-31 08:01 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Sex Determination by Two Y-linked Genes in Garden Asparagus

First author: Alex Harkess; Affiliations: HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (HudsonAlpha生物技术研究院): Alabama, USA

Corresponding author: James Leebens-Mack

The origin and early evolution of sex chromosomes has been hypothesized to involve the linkage of factors with antagonistic effects on male and female function. Garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) is an ideal species to investigate this hypothesis, as the X and Y chromosomes are cytologically homomorphic and evolved from an ancestral autosome pair in association with a shift from hermaphroditism to dioecy. Mutagenesis screens paired with single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) directly implicate Y-specific genes that respectively suppress female (pistil) development and are necessary for male (anther) development. Comparison of contiguous X and Y chromosome assemblies shows that hemizygosity underlies the loss of recombination between the genes suppressing female organogenesis (SUPPRESSOR OF FEMALE FUNCTION, SOFF) and promoting male function (TAPETAL DEVELOPMENT AND FUNCTION1, aspTDF1). We also experimentally demonstrate the function of aspTDF1. These findings provide direct evidence that sex chromosomes can function through linkage of two sex determination genes.


p.s. 半合子(hemizygosity):只具有影响某特征的一对基因中的一个,例如雄性Y染色体上缺乏X染色体上的等位基因。

通讯:James Leebens-Mack (https://www.plantbio.uga.edu/directory/people/james-h-leebens-mack)



doi: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.00859

Journal: Plant Cell

Published date: March 27, 2020

p.s. 植物性别决定相关研究链接:

New Phytologist:褐藻性别决定演化综述

PLoS Genetics:君迁子基因组揭示柿属植物支系特异性别决定系统的演化

Nature Plants:两个Y染色体编码基因控制猕猴桃的性别决定


Communications Biology:玉米雌雄异花的性别决定机制

New Phytologist:雌雄异株菠菜单性器官起始中的关键基因


上一篇:Current Biology:植物细胞壁与生长素之间的互作作用于顶钩发育
下一篇:Nature Plants:温敏核雄性不育通过减缓发育恢复育性
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