First author: Changsheng Li; Affiliations: Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学): Shanghai, China
Corresponding author: Wenqin Wang
Mutation of o2 doubles maize endosperm lysine content, but it causes an inferior kernel phenotype. Developing quality protein maize (QPM) by introgressing o2 modifiers (Mo2s) into the o2 mutant benefits millions of people in developing countries where maize is a primary protein source. Here, we report genome sequence and annotation of a South African QPM line K0326Y, which is assembled from single-molecule, real-time shotgun sequencing reads collinear with an optical map. We achieve a N50 contig length of 7.7 million bases (Mb) directly from long-read assembly, compared to those of 1.04 Mb for B73 and 1.48 Mb for Mo17. To characterize Mo2s, we map QTLs to chromosomes 1, 6, 7, and 9 using an F2 population derived from crossing K0326Y and W64Ao2. RNA-seq analysis of QPM and o2 endosperms reveals a group of differentially expressed genes that coincide with Mo2 QTLs, suggesting a potential role in vitreous endosperm formation.
o2的突变使得玉米胚乳赖氨酸含量加倍,但同时也导致了玉米仁粉质胚乳的表型。通过将o2修饰因子Mo2s引入到o2突变体中所育成的优质蛋白玉米造福了数百万发展中国家的人民,玉米成为了他们日常生活的主要蛋白来源。本文中,作者利用SMRT测序数据辅以光学图谱,报道了南非优质蛋白玉米品系K0326Y的参考基因。该基因组组装的contig N50长为7.7 Mb,相比于B73的1.04 Mb和Mo17的1.48 Mb在组装质量上都有提升。为了定位Mo2s,作者利用K0326Y与W64Ao2杂交的F2群体将QTL定位到了1、6、7和9号染色体上。对于优质蛋白玉米和o2突变体胚乳的转录组分析鉴定了一系列差异表达基因,这些基因与之前鉴定的Mo2s QTL位点相吻合,说明这些基因有可能作用于硬质玉米胚乳的形成。
通讯:王文琴 (http://www.agri.sjtu.edu.cn/Data/View/2301)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-14023-2
Journal: Nature Communications
Published date: January 07, 2020
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