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Molecular Plants:拟南芥定位于维管形成层的SPDT蛋白参与磷的优先分布

已有 3178 次阅读 2019-10-14 15:48 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流|文章来源:转载

Vascular cambium-localized AtSPDT mediates xylem-to-phloem transfer of phosphorus for its preferential distribution in Arabidopsis

First author: Guangda Ding; Affiliations: Okayama University (冈山大学): Kurashiki, Japan

Corresponding author: Jian Feng Ma

Recent progress has shown that the preferential distribution of mineral nutrients is mediated by node-based transporters in gramineous plants, but it is poorly understood for the mechanisms of preferential distribution in dicots. Here, we report a distinct mechanism for the preferential distribution of phosphorus (P) through detailed functional analysis of AtSPDT/AtSULTR3;4 (SULTR-like P Distribution Transporter) in Arabidopsis. AtSPDT is a homolog of rice OsSPDT and localized to the plasma membrane. It also showed proton-dependent transport activity for P. AtSPDT was mainly expressed in rosette basal region and leaf petiole and its expression was up-regulated by P-deficiency. Tissue-specific analysis showed that AtSPDT was mainly located at the vascular cambium of different organs, as well as in the parenchyma tissues of both xylem and phloem region. Knockout of this gene inhibited the growth of new leaves under low P due to decreased P distribution to those organs. The seed yield was similar between mutant lines and wild type, but the mutant lines contained 8.2%-33.6% less P in seeds. These results indicate that AtSPDT localized at the vascular cambium is involved in the preferential distribution of P to the developing tissues through the xylem-to-phloem transfer mainly in rosette basal region and leaf petiole.



通讯:Jian Feng Ma (http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/plant.stress/english/member.html)


doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2019.10.002

Journal: Molecular Plants

Published date: October 10, 2019



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