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J EXP BOT:AtNSE1和AtNSE3基因作用于拟南芥的早期胚胎发生

已有 2211 次阅读 2019-8-14 15:03 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

AtNSE1 and AtNSE3 are required for formation of embryo pattern and maintenance of cell viability during Arabidopsis embryogenesis

First author: Gang Li; Affiliations: Wuhan University (武汉大学): Wuhan, China

Corresponding author: Jie Zhao

Embryogenesis is an essential process during seed development in higher plant. Our previous work has showed that mutations of AtNSE1 or AtNSE3 would lead to early embryo abortion, and their proteins could interact with each other directly. However, the crucial regions of these proteins in this interaction, and how the proteins are cytologically involved in Arabidopsis embryo development are unknown. Here, we found that AtNSE1 can interact with the N-terminal of AtNSE3 by the C-terminal including the Ring-like motif, and only the Ring-like motif is essential for binding with three α motifs of AtNSE2/AtMMS21. Furthermore, by genetic assays and analyzing the molecular markers of cell fate decisions (STM, WOX5 and WOX8) in nse1 and nse3 embryos, we found that AtNSE1 and AtNSE3 worked non-redundantly in early embryo development, and the differentiation of apical meristem and the hypophysis was failed in the mutants which have disrupted auxin response and transportation. Besides that, the upper cells of suspensor in the mutants seem to have embryo proper cell identity. Cytological evidences showed that cell death occurred from early embryo stage, and the vacuolar programmed cell death and necrosis, occurred in nse1 and nse3 mutant embryos led to ovule aborted. As a result, AtNSE1 and AtNSE3 are essential for maintaining cell viability and growth during early embryogenesis. Our finding shed light on our understanding of the functions of SMC5/6 complex on early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis.



通讯赵洁  (http://www.bio.whu.edu.cn/info/1191/4308.htm)



研究方向被子植物有性生殖中授粉、受精和胚胎发育关键事态的分子机理,重点研究:1. 合子激活和定向分裂、早期胚胎启动和极性轴形成、胚胎细胞分化和器官建成等机制;2. 早期胚乳分裂和分化的分子机制;3. 花粉发育和花粉管定向生长机制,以及花粉与雌蕊的互作机制

doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz373

Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany

Published date: August 13, 2019



上一篇:New Phytologist:生长素解除SRS5介导的侧根形成抑制
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