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已有 3025 次阅读 2018-12-12 09:16 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

2018年5月21日,Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology在线发表了中国科学院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心朱健康研究员、张惠明研究员与郎曌博研究员共同完成的题为“Dynamics and function of DNA methylation in plants”的综述文章。本博客将持续解读该文章,本文为连载第五期,包括第一章节DNA甲基化动态的最后一部分内容:DNA甲基化与去甲基化之间的动态平衡。

Dynamics and function of DNA methylation in plants

First author: Huiming Zhang; Affiliations: Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心): Shanghai, China

Corresponding author: Jian- Kang Zhu

Coordination between DNA methylation and demethylation

ROS1 antagonizes RdDM to prevent DNA hypermethylation at specific loci, and ROS1 gene expression is reduced in all known RdDM mutants17,72,105-107. These observations revealed that DNA methylation and active demethylation activities are coordinated. A recent study of the A. thaliana DNA methylome showed that ROS1 activity counteracts RdDM at over 2,000 genomic regions. These regions were hypermethylated in ros1-4 mutant plants but not in double mutant ros1-4 and nrpd1-3 plants, which have defective functioning of both ROS1 and the largest subunit of POL IV, DNA-DIRECTED POL IV SUBUNIT 1 (NRPD1)98The nrpd1-3 mutant displayed considerably lower levels of ROS1 gene expression and DNA hypermethylation in many genomic regions. Methylome analysis suggested that genomic hypermethylation in the nrpd1-3 mutant is at least partly due to suppressed ROS1 expression.

ROS1与RdDM相互拮抗预防特异位点上的DNA超甲基化,并且在所有已知的RdDM突变体中ROS1的表达量均降低。这说明DNA甲基化和主动去甲基化之间是相互协调的。最近一份关于拟南芥甲基化组的研究显示在超过2000个基因组区域上ROS1活性会抵消RdDM。这些区域在ros1-4突变体植株中被超甲基化,但在ROS1和POL IV最大亚基NRPD1同时功能缺失的ros1-4nrpd1-3双突变体植株中并不会被超甲基化,nrpd1-3突变体的ROS1基因表达水平较低,并且很多基因组区域的DNA超甲基化水平也很低。甲基化组分析显示nrpd1-3突变体基因组超甲基化可能部分是由于ROS1基因表达被抑制所导致的。

In addition to RdDM mutants, met1 mutants also showed suppressed ROS1 gene expression108. The ROS1 gene promoter contains a 39 bp sequence in which methylation is decreased in met1 and RdDM mutants. Because hypomethylation in this particular sequence is accompanied by ROS1 gene repression, it appears that this sequence, termed the DNA methylation monitoring sequence (MEMS)106, may serve as a general indicator of RdDM and MET1 activities and may thus allow the coordination between DNA methylation and active DNA demethylation through transcriptional regulation of ROS1 (Fig. 2b). Consistent with this model, DNA hypermethylation of MEMS occurred in loss-of-function ros1 mutants, showing that MEMS is also targeted by ROS1106. The hypermethylation of MEMS in ros1 mutants is accompanied by increased ROS1 expression106. Upstream of MEMS, the ROS1 gene promoter contains a helitron transposon that may help attract DNA methylation factors and render the promoter responsive to DNA methylation. The specific transcription factors that promote ROS1 transcription by DNA methylation have not been identified.


Like a thermostat that senses and maintains a stable temperature, MEMS can be considered as a ‘methylstat’ sequence that maintains homeostasis of ROS1-dependent DNA methylation levels in plant cells106,107. For instance, in met1-3 plants, in which ROS1 expression is considerably decreased, CG hypomethylation at 5S ribosomal DNA sequences is compensated by a progressive increase in CHH methylation levels in successive generations as a result of cumulative RdDM, eventually resulting in re-establishment of transcription silencing108. By contrast, decoupling ROS1 expression from regulation by RdDM causes widespread methylation loss and abnormal phenotypes that worsen progressively over generations109. Methylation- sensitive regulation of demethylase gene expression has also been observed in rice, maize and A. Lyrata107,110,111. Thus, this methylstat may be a conserved mechanism for regulating DNA methylation dynamics in plants. The methylstat mechanism may also exist in non-plant organisms with DNA methylation, including in mammalian cells, where it could help explain the genome-wide hypomethylation concurrent with locus-specific hypermethylation in cancer cells and in ageing humans112,113.


doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41580-018-0016-z

Journal: Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

Published date: 21 May, 2018


上一篇:Nature Plants:作物中长末端重复序列LTR反转录转座子鉴定方法
下一篇:Genome Biology:草莓成熟过程中RdDM下调作用于DNA低甲基化
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