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Plant Physiology:榴莲基因组古多倍化事件

已有 5595 次阅读 2018-11-16 08:59 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Recursive paleohexaploidization shapes the durian genome

First author: Jinpeng Wang; Affiliations: North China University of Science and Technology (华北理工大学): Tangshan, China

Corresponding author: Xiyin Wang (王希胤)

Durian (榴莲) genome becomes available recently and revealed two paleopolyploidization events, which were inferred to share with cotton. Here, we reanalyzed the durian genome in comparison with other well-characterized genomes. We found that durian and cotton were actually affected by different polyploidization events: hexaploidization in durian lineage ~19-21 million years ago (mya) and decaploidization in cotton ~13-14 mya. Previous problematic interpretation (理解) might be caused by elevated evolutionary rates in cotton genes due to the decaploidization, and insufficient consideration of the complexity of plant genomes. The decaploidization considerably elevated evolutionary rates so that cotton genes evolve ~64% faster than durian ones, and explained a previous ~4 times over dating of the event. In contrast, the hexaploidization has not prominently elevated durian gene rates likely due to the negative correlation with its long generation time. Moreover, divergent evolutionary rates should also be responsible for 98.4% of reconstructed phylogenetic trees of homologous genes being incongruent with expected topolopy. These findings provided further insight into the roles played by polypoidization to the evolution of genomes and genes and raised necessity to revisit existing reconstructed phylogenetic trees.


p.s. Teh et al., (2017) The draft genome of tropical fruit durian (Durio zibethinus). Nature Genetics 49: 1633-1641

通讯:王希胤  (http://bio.ncst.edu.cn/col/1460771460061/2016/04/19/1461037268201.html)



doi: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.18.00921

Journal: Plant Physiology

First Published: 01 November, 2018


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