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Plant Physiology:软木和硬木木质部细胞壁的微孔分布比较

已有 4574 次阅读 2018-9-18 09:03 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Comparison of Micropore Distribution in Cell Walls of Softwood and Hardwood Xylem

First author: Lloyd A. Donaldson; Affiliations: Scion (皇家研究院林业研究所): Rotorua, New Zealand

Corresponding author: Lloyd A. Donaldson

The porosity (多孔性) of wood cell walls is of interest for both understanding xylem functionality and from a wood materials perspective. The movement of water in xylem generally occurs through the macroporous networks (大孔网络) formed in softwood (软木) by bordered pits (具缘纹孔) and in hardwood (硬木) by the intervessel pits and open conduits (管道) created by vessels (导管) and perforation plates (穿孔板). In some situations, such as cavitated xylem (空腔木质部), water can only move through the micropores (微孔) that occur in lignified tracheid (木质化管胞) and fiber cell walls (纤维细胞壁); however, these micropore networks are poorly understood. Here, we used molecular microscopy (分子显微分析) analysis of radiata pine (Pinus radiataD. Don; 辐射松) and red beech (Nothofagus fuscaHook.f.; 红山毛榉) to determine the distribution of micropores in the secondary walls and middle lamellae of tracheids (管胞间层) and fibres in relation to cell wall composition. Using two different types of probe, we identified a greater porosity of secondary cell walls and a reduced porosity of the middle lamella. Areas of reduced porosity were observed in the outer regions of the secondary cell wall of both tracheids and fibres that appear unrelated to lignification or the distribution of cellulose, mannan (甘露聚糖), and xylan (木聚糖). Hardwood fibre cell walls were less lignified than those of softwood tracheids and showed greater accessibility to porosity probes. Vessel cell walls were comparable to those of fibres in terms of both porosity and lignification. Lignification is probably the primary determinant of cell wall porosity in xylem. The highly lignified middle lamella, and lumen surface (腔面), act as a barrier to probe movement and therefore water movement in both softwood and hardwood.


通讯Lloyd A. Donaldsonhttps://www.scionresearch.com/about-us/about-scion/our-people/people/m-and-b/lloyd-donaldson



doi: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.18.00883

Journal: Plant Physiology

First Published: 14 September, 2018

(P.S. 原文下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qFiSsqwlF_7JjmGMbedfhQ  密码:dmu6)


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