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Plant Biotechnol J:水稻OsPK2基因参与胚乳淀粉合成和籽粒灌浆

已有 4166 次阅读 2018-4-20 21:54 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流


OsPK2encodes a plastidic pyruvate kinase involved in rice endosperm starch synthesis, compound granule formation and grain filling

First author: Yicong Cai; Affiliations: China National Rice Research Institute (中国水稻研究所): Hangzhou, China

Corresponding author: Peisong Hu (胡培松)

Starch is the main form of energy storage in higher plants. Although several enzymes and regulators of starch biosynthesis have been defined, the complete molecular machinery remains largely unknown. Screening for irregularities (不规则) in endosperm formation in rice represents valuable prospect for studying starch synthesis pathway. Here, we identified a novel rice white‐core endosperm and defective grain filling (籽粒灌浆) mutant, ospk2, which displays significantly lower grain weight, decreased starch content and alteration of starch physicochemical properties (理化性质) when compared to wild‐ ype grains. The normal starch compound granules (颗粒) were drastically reduced and more single granules filled the endosperm cells of ospk2. Meanwhile, the germination rate of ospk2 seeds after 1‐year storage was observably reduced compared with wild‐ ype. Map‐ased cloning of OsPK2 indicated that it encodes a pyruvate kinase 丙酮酸激酶 (PK, ATP: pyruvate 2‐O‐phosphotransferase, EC, which catalyses an irreversible (不可逆的) step of glycolysis (糖酵解). OsPK2 has a constitutive expression in rice and its protein localizes in chloroplasts. Enzyme assay showed that the protein product from expressed OsPK2 and the crude protein (粗蛋白) extracted from tissues of wild‐ ype exhibits strong PK activity; however, the mutant presented reduced protein activity. OsPK2 (PKpα1) and three other putative rice plastidic isozymes (同功酶), PKpα2, PKpβ1 and PKpβ2, can interact to form heteromer (异聚体). Moreover, the mutation leads to multiple metabolic disorders. Altogether, these results denote new insights into the role of OsPK2 in plant seed development, especially in starch synthesis, compound granules formation and grain filling, which would be useful for genetic improvement of high yield and rice grain quality.


通讯胡培松 (http://www.chinariceinfo.com/leader/cn/hupeisong/)



doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.12923

Journal: Plant Biotechnology Journal

First Published date: 17 April, 2018

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