The Circadian Clock Sets the Time of DNA Replication Licensing to Regulate Growth in Arabidopsis
First author: Jorge Fung-Uceda; Affiliations: Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (西班牙农业基因组学研究中心): Barcelona, Spain
Corresponding author: Paloma Mas
The circadian clock (生物钟) and cell cycle (细胞周期) as separate pathways have been well documented in plants. Elucidating whether these two oscillators are connected is critical for understanding plant growth. We found that a slow-running circadian clock decelerates (使...减速) the cell cycle and, conversely, a fast clock speeds it up. The clock component TOC1 safeguards (保护) the G1-to-S transition and controls the timing of the mitotic cycle (有丝分裂周期) at early stages of leaf development. TOC1 also regulates somatic ploidy at later stages of leaf development and in hypocotyl cells. The S-phase is shorter and delayed in TOC1 overexpressing plants, which correlates with the diurnal (白天的) repression of the DNA replication licensing gene CDC6 through binding of TOC1 to the CDC6 promoter. The slow cell-cycle pace in TOC1-ox also results in delayed tumor progression in inflorescence stalks (花梗). Thus, TOC1 sets the time of the DNA pre-replicative machinery to control plant growth in resonance with the environment.
p.s. 细胞有丝分裂分为分裂间期和分裂期[M (Mitotic) transition phases],其中分裂间期又分为G1 (Gap 1)、S (DNA Synthesis)和G2 (Gap 2)期。G1期:RNA和蛋白质合成旺盛时期,为DNA的合成做准备;S期:DNA的复制;G2期:有活跃的RNA和蛋白质合成,为纺锤丝形成等做准备。
通讯:Paloma Mas (https://www.cragenomica.es/staff/detail/paloma-mas)