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Nature Genetics:水稻泛基因组研究

已有 7028 次阅读 2018-2-12 08:45 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Pan-genome analysis highlights the extent of genomic variation in cultivated and wild rice

First author: Qiang Zhao; Affiliations: Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (中科院植物生理生态研究所): Shanghai, China
Corresponding author: Xuehui Huang (黄学辉)

The rich genetic diversity in Oryza sativa and Oryza rufipogon (野生稻) serves as the main sources in rice breeding. Large-scale resequencing has been undertaken to discover allelic variants in rice, but much of the information for genetic variation is often lost by direct mapping of short sequence reads onto the O. sativa japonica Nipponbare (粳稻) reference genome. Here we constructed a pan-genome dataset of the O. sativaO. rufipogon species complex through deep sequencing and de novo assembly of 66 divergent accessions. Intergenomic comparisons identified 23 million sequence variants in the rice genome. This catalog of sequence variations includes many known quantitative trait nucleotides and will be helpful in pinpointing (精确定位) new causal variants that underlie complex traits. In particular, we systemically investigated the whole set of coding genes using this pan-genome data, which revealed extensive presence and absence of variation (获得与丢失变异) among rice accessions. This pan-genome resource will further promote evolutionary and functional studies in rice.

Oryza sativaOryza rufipogon丰富的遗传多样性为水稻的育种改良提供了主要遗传资源。已有许多关于水稻重测序的报道,虽然这些研究鉴定了很多等位基因突变,但由于直接利用短的测序reads回贴到参考基因组日本粳稻的基因组上,这会导致很多遗传变异信息的丢失。本文通过深度测序和从头组装的方法构建了66个O. sativaO. rufipogon测序材料的泛基因组数据集。通过基因组间的比较,作者鉴定出了约23百万个序列变异。本研究鉴定的变异包括一些已知的数量性状位点,这将会为以后的复杂性状潜在的目标位点精确定位提供参考。另外,作者利用该泛基因组数据集系统研究了整个编码区,结果显示在水稻各材料之间存在广泛的获得与丢失变异。该泛基因组数据将会进一步促进水稻的进化和功能研究。

通讯黄学辉 (http://sourcedb.sibs.cas.cn/zw/rck/201605/t20160526_4611052.html)

个人简介:2002-2006年,复旦大学生命科学学院,学士;2006-2011年,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,博士;2011-2011年,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,助理研究员;2011-2015年,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,副研究员;2015-至今,   中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,研究员/博导/课题组长。


doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0041-z

Journal: Nature Genetics
Published online: 15 January, 2018

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