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Plant Physiology:DELLA-GAF1参与拟南芥中赤霉素的反馈调节

已有 3866 次阅读 2017-9-18 08:49 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

DELLA-GAF1 Complex is a Main Component in Gibberellin Feedback Regulation of GA20ox2 in Arabidopsis

First author:Jutarou Fukazawa; Affiliations: Hiroshima University (广岛大学): Hiroshima, Japan

Corresponding author: Yohsuke Takahashi

Gibberellins (GAs) are phytohormones (植物激素) that regulate many aspects of plant growth and development, including germination (萌发), elongation, flowering, and floral development. Negative feedback regulation (负反馈调节) contributes to homeostasis (动态平衡) of the GA level. DELLAs are negative regulators of GA signaling and are rapidly degraded in the presence of GAs. DELLAs regulate many target genes, including AtGA20ox2, encoding the GA-biosynthetic enzyme GA 20-oxidase (氧化酶). As DELLAs do not have an apparent DNA-binding motif, transcription factors that act in association with DELLA are necessary for regulating the target genes. Previous studies have identified GAI-ASSOCIATED FACTOR 1 (GAF1) as such a DELLA interactor, with which DELLAs act as coactivators (共激活因子), and AtGA20ox2 was identified as a target gene of the DELLA-GAF1 complex. In this study, electrophoretic mobility shift (电泳迁移率改变) and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays (染色质免疫沉淀) showed that four GAF1-binding sites exist in the AtGA20ox2 promoter. Using transgenic plants, we further evaluated the contribution of the DELLA-GAF1 complex to GA feedback regulation. Mutations in four GAF1-binding sites abolished the negative feedback of AtGA20ox2 in transgenic plants. Our results showed that GAF1-binding sites are necessary for GA feedback regulation of AtGA20ox2, suggesting that the DELLA-GAF1 complex is a main component of the GA feedback regulation of AtGA20ox2.

赤霉素GA是调控植物生长和发育的植物激素,包括萌发、伸长、开花及花的发育。负反馈调节作用于植物中GA水平的动态平衡。DELLAs是植物GA信号的负调控子,并且在GA存在的情况下会迅速被降解。DELLAs会调控很多的靶基因,包括编码GA合成酶GA 20氧化酶AtGA20ox2基因。DELLAs并不含有明显的DNA结合基序,所以与DELLA相关的转录因子是DELLAs调控靶基因至关重要的。先前的研究已经鉴定了GAF1作为DELLA的互作子,并和DELLAs一起作为共激活因子,另外,AtGA20ox2经鉴定为DELLA-GAF1复合物的靶基因。本文中,作者利用电泳迁移率和染色质免疫沉淀试验表明AtGA20ox2基因启动子区存在4个GAF1结合位点。利用转基因试验,作者进一步评估了DELLA-GAF1复合物对于GA反馈调节的作用。转基因植株中4个GAF1结合位点的突变废除了AtGA20ox2的负反馈调节。本文的研究表明GAF1结合位点对于AtGA20ox2的GA反馈调节至关重要,显示DELLA-GAF1复合物是AtGA20ox2的GA反馈调节重要组成部分。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.17.00282

Journal: Plant Physiology
First Published data: September 15, 2017.

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