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[March for reflection |Oops!] Touch of atom

已有 1159 次阅读 2022-7-9 13:11 |个人分类:牛津大学|系统分类:科研笔记


["Terms of awareness /use" folded below]

I learned one or two hours ago that this year's representative young mathematicians were reported on July 5th. I wish to look into the progress for a while on number theory which I've never touched essentially. I noticed Maynard one or two years ago who was reported to make further progress on the topic popularized by Tom Zhang. The first report* I opened just now appeared to state a variant of the same topic. It said at the beginning that prime numbers "are often described as the atoms of number theory". It is striking to see, near the end of the report, that "...Maynard's work proving there are infinitely many primes without certain digits". 


I'm not sure but I believe that Maynard has considered the "atoms of atoms", so that I don't have to keep a thought to my own. It is not difficult to see that a big prime number is too large in "size" to be called an atom. Only the prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7 are qualified for the term of "atom". So, "without certain digits" has to refer to —— without the digital numbers 0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 in a prime number —— In China, one is largely forbidden to rise any concept that has not [been] defined by the westerners. One can call such prime numbers as "pure primes". I considered such primes due to an earlier report (on Tom Zhang) mentioneding a large prime number which is appeared conflict with the common sense of "atom". In mathematics, like any other (western) course of study, one is seeking for the genuine "atoms" that may represent everything. For example, Daubechies wavelets are such atoms. "Atom" is a clue of mathematics.


Oops!..I've not found a personal homepage of the starring...(to be continued).


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