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学习笔记 [H.E. p.53]

已有 1708 次阅读 2020-8-1 16:53 |个人分类:科学随笔|系统分类:科研笔记


《Galois theory》

H.E. p. 53

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Corollary. Let t be a Galois resolvent, let t' be one of its conjugates, and let S be the corresponding substitution of the roots as in the previous corollary.

---- 令 t 为 Galois 预解,t' 为其任一共轭,S 为将 t-行 带到 t'-行的置换.


Let s be any other Galois resolvent of the same equation.

---- 令 s 为同一方程的任意其它 Galois 预解.


Then there is a conjugate s' of s such that S is equal to the substitution of the roots corresponding to s and s'.

---- 则存在 s 的共轭 s' 使得 S 等于将 s 带到 s' 的置换.


评论:此引理是说,S (从而整个 Galois 群) 与 Galois 预解 的选择无关.


Proof. Since s is in K(a, b, c, ...), the extension of S defined in the preceding corollary applies to s.

---- 证: 首先 s 属于 K(a, b, c, ...),于是 S 的扩展可施加于 s.


Define s' to be S(s).

---- 定义 s' 为 S(s).


评论:将要找的 s' 取作 S(s).


If H(x) is an irreducible polynomial of which s is a root,...

---- 若 H(x) 是不可约多项式,s 是它的根...


then application of S to H(s) = 0 gives H(s') = 0, so that s' is a conjugate of s.

---- 则施加 S 到 H(s) = 0 得 H(s') = 0,于是 s' 是 s 的共轭.


评论:因 S 是自同构,S(H(s)) = H(S(s)) = H(s'). 而 S(0) = 0. 故 H(s') = 0.


Now if a = ψa(s), where ψa is a polynomial with coefficients in K, then application of S to both sides gives S(a) = ψa(Ss) = ψa(s').

---- 若 a = ψa(s) 则 S 作用到该式两边,得 S(a) = ψa(Ss) = ψa(s').


Similarly, S(b) = ψb(s'), S(c) = ψc(s'), ..., as was to be shown.

---- 对根 b, c, ... 亦可类推. 得证.




K(a, b, c, ...) ~ s ~ S ~ s' 


1. s ∈ K(a, b, c, ...) ==> s':=S(s).     构造

2.              H(s) = 0 ==> H(s') = 0.  共轭

3.                Sψr(s) = ψr(s')                 置换


小结:Galois 群 与 Galois 预解的选择无关.

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