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已有 4778 次阅读 2018-9-20 08:27 |个人分类:心路里程|系统分类:科研笔记



今日博主:徐令予李颖业张忆文林中祥 张云 李学宽武夷山 宁利中 蒋迅 蒲亨建 刘全慧 谢力Grothendieck 韩健 毛宏王庆浩尤明庆张操曾新林文克玲蔡宁吕洪波杨正瓴彭真明蒋继平姬扬徐耀刘钢刘全生吕喆 王鸿飞 马臻 刘进平 赵美娣 鲍永利 戴世强 周涛 刘洋 邢志忠 曾泳春郭景涛(保留若干神秘博主)

...高度一般化的方式和研究具体问题结合起来* 。


(接2.14*2.14. From bound on lc thresholds to boundedness of varietiesThe following result connects lc thresholds and boundedness of Fano varieties, and it is one of the main ingredients of the proof of Theorem 1.1.



Theorem 2.15 ([3, Proposition 7.13]). Let d, m, v be natural numbers and let tl be a sequence of positive real numbers. Let P be the set of projective varieties X such that

  • X is a klt weak Fano variety of dimension d,

  • Kx has an m-complement,

  • |-m Kx| defines a birational map,

  • vol(-Kx)<= v, and

  • for any l ∈ N and any L ∈ |-lKx|, the pair (X, tlL) is klt.

Then, P is a bounded family.


评论:看不出 lc thresholds 及其界的痕迹。(蕴含在第四项的可能性大)。

注:此定理后面跟了一段说明,即 Th2.10, 2.11, 2.13 显示 2.15的前四项假定都对 X 满足如1.1;定理 1.4 显示第五项假定也是满足的。



1. Birational geometry...the goal is to determine when two algebraic varieties are isomorphic outside lower-dimensional subsets. This amounts to studying mappings that are given by rational functions rather than polynomials; the map may fail to be defined where the rational functions have poles.

2. Rational function...any function which can be defined by a rational fractioni.e. an algebraic fraction such that both the numerator and the denominator are polynomials. The coefficients of the polynomials need not be rational numbers; they may be taken in any field K

3. Pythagorean triple...consists of three positive integers ab, and c, such that a2 + b2 = c2...The oldest known record comes from Plimpton 322...discovered by Edgar James Banks shortly after 1900, and sold to George Arthur Plimpton in 1922, for $10.


大话:weak Fano 要求 -(Kx + B) 是 “nef and big”,不妨缩写为“nb” (简记“牛逼”)。




今日博主:徐令予李颖业张忆文林中祥 张云李学宽武夷山 宁利中蒋迅蒲亨建 刘全慧 谢力Grothendieck 韩健 毛宏王庆浩尤明庆张操曾新林文克玲蔡宁吕洪波杨正瓴彭真明蒋继平姬扬徐耀刘钢刘全生吕喆 王鸿飞 马臻 刘进平 赵美娣 鲍永利 戴世强 周涛 刘洋 邢志忠 曾泳春郭景涛(保留若干神秘博主)


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3 郑永军 张忆文 张云

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