(接上回$)2.5. Minimal models, Mori fibre spaces, and MMP. Let X --> Z be a projective morphism of normal varieties and D an R-Cartier R-divisor on X. Let Y be a normal variety projective over Z and phi: X --> Y/Z be a birational map whose inverse does not contract any divisor. We call Y a minimal model of D over Z if:
(1) phi is D-negative, and
(2) DY = phi_*D is nef / Z.
评注:给出“minimal model”的定义。
1. projective morphism (待查)
2. normal variety (待查)
3. normal variety projective (待查)
4. birational map (待查)
5. D-negative (待查)
6. phi_* (待查)
7. nef (待查)
8. /Z (待查)
1. D ~ X --> Z ~ Y
2. phi: X --> Y/Z
注:核心是定义 Y 和 D 的关系,即 Y 作为 D 的 最小模型(关乎Z)。
On the other hand, we call Y a Mori fibre space of D over Z if Y satisfies (1) and
(2)' there is an extremal contraction Y --> T/Z with -DY ample/T and dim Y > dim T.
注:更换第二个条件,则Y 和 D的关系定义为: Y 作为 D 的 Mori 纤维空间(关乎Z)
If one can run a minimal model program (MMP) on D over Z which terminates with a model Y, then Y is either a miminal model or a Mori fibre space of D over Z. If X is a Mori dream space, eg a Fano variety, then such an MMP always exists.
第二句,如果X是Mori梦空间,如Fano variety, 那么这样的MMP总是存在的。
评论:第二句提示了Fano variety的意义所在。Mori梦空间和MMP似乎具有核心重要性。
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