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祝贺左家宝等同学合作论文在Microchemical Journal期刊发表

已有 1663 次阅读 2023-1-19 20:49 |个人分类:点滴成果|系统分类:论文交流

Flexible Electrochemical Sensor Constructed Using an Active Copper Center Instead of Unstable Molybdenum Carbide for Simultaneous Detection of Toxic Catechol and Hydroquinone

Author links open overlay panelJiabao Zuo, Yuliang Shen, Luyao Wang, Qi Yang, Zheng Cao, Haiou Song*, Zhiwen Ye, Shupeng Zhang*


A new electrochemical sensor based on a Cu-CuO@MoOx-modified polyethylene terephthalate electrode spin coated with PEDOT (Cu-CuO@MoOx-PEDOT/PET) was developed for simultaneous determination of catechol (CT) and hydroquinone (HQ). A zerovalent copper and copper(II) oxide intercalated molybdenum oxide MoOx (x = 2 or 3) hybrid nanomaterial (Cu-CuO@MoOx) by introducing active copper catalytic centers into the Mo2C@MoOx system based on unstable Mo2C, and replaced Mo2C using a simple hydrothermal method. At room temperature, the Cu-CuO@MoOx-PEDOT/PET electrode demonstrated the lowest detection limits of 0.216 and 0.221 μM for CT and HQ (S/N = 3), respectively. In addition, the applicability of this method was proven by the recovery of CT and HQ in spiked tap water samples. The Cu-CuO@MoOx-PEDOT/PET flexible electrode had strong anti-interference ability, good repeatability and long-term stability. It was used in the detection of CT and HQ in Nanjing tap water, the recoveries of CT and HQ calculated from the it curve were 99.36% and 97.56%, respectively. Most importantly, the flexible electrode could still maintain relatively stable electrochemical responses under different bending and folding conditions, and the obtained relative standard deviations (RSDs) were 2.78% and 1.53%, respectively. This flexible property holds promise for the construction of wearable electrochemical sensors.




上一篇:祝贺左家宝、郭子琪合作论文在Environmental Science and Pollution Research发表
下一篇:祝贺杨奇等同学合作研究成果在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces期刊发表
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1 郑永军

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