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已有 9038 次阅读 2010-11-28 16:16 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记| 复杂网络




论文发表。由于担任辅导员工作分散了部分科研时间,今年发表的文章数目较去年有所下降。2010年共发表国际SCI期刊论文13篇,其中3篇《Physical Review E》,1篇《EPL (Europhysics Letters)》,1篇《Theoretical Computer Science(录用待发表), 1篇《Chaos2篇《Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2篇《Journal of Physics A》,3篇《Physica A》。




1.         Zhang Zhongzhi, Qi Yi, Zhou Shuigeng, Shuyang Gao, and Guan Jihong. Explicit determination of mean first-passage time for random walks on deterministic uniform recursive trees, Physical Review E, 2010, 81:016114.

2.         Zhongzhi Zhang, Wu Bin, Zhang Hongjuan, Zhou Shuigeng, Guan Jihong, and Wang Zhigang. Determining global mean-first-passage time of random walks on Vicsek fractals using eigenvalues of Laplacian matrices. Physical Review E, 2010, 81:031118.

3.         Lin Yuan, Wu Bin, and Zhang Zhongzhi. Determining mean first-passage time on a class of treelike regular fractals. Physical Review E, 2010, 82:021140.

4.         Zhongzhi Zhang, Liu Hongxiao, Wu Bin, and Zhou Shuigeng. Enumeration of spanning trees in a pesudofractal scale-free web. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2010, 90:68002.

5.         Zhang Zhongzhi and Comellas Francesc. Farey Graphs as Models for Complex Networks. Theoretical Computer Science (in press).

6.         Zhang Zhongzhi, Gao Shuyang, and Xie Wenlei. Impact of degree heterogeneity on the behavior of trapping in Koch networks. Chaos, 2010, 20:043112.

7.         Zhang Zhongzhi, Gao Shuyang, Chen Lichao, Zhou Shuigeng, Zhang Hongjuan, and Guan Jihong. Mapping Koch curves into scale-free small-world networks. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2010, 43:395101.

8.         Chu Xiangwei, Zhang Zhongzhi, Guan Jihong, Zhou Shuigeng, and Li Mo. Different behaviors of epidemic spreading in scale-free networks with identical degree sequence. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2010, 43:065001.

9.         Zhang Zhongzhi, and Lin Yuan. An alternative approach to determining average distance in a class of scale-free modular networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2010, P0*****. (in press)

10.     Zhang Yichao, Zhang Zhongzhi, Guan Jihong, and Zhou Shuigeng. An analytic derivation of clustering coefficients for weighted networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2010, P03013.

11.     Zhang Yichao, Zhang Zhongzhi, Guan Jihong, and Zhou Shuigeng. Deterministic weighted scale-free small-world networks. Physica A, 2010, 389:3316-3324.

12.     Chu Xiangwei, Zhang Zhongzhi, Guan Jihong, and Zhou Shuigeng. Epidemic spreading with nonlinear infectivity in weighted scale-free networks. Physica A, 2011, 390:471-481.

13.     Miralles Alicia, Comellas Francesc, Chen Lichao, and Zhang Zhongzhi. Planar unclustered scale-free graphs as models for technological and biological networks. Physica A, 2010, 389:1955-1964.


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