文章:Early life establishment of site-specific microbialcommunities in the gut
杂志:Gut Microbes 2014
研究目的:To assess the stratification of microbes in the newborn gut and to evaluate the probable shortcoming of fecalsampling in place of tissue sampling 比较新生儿肠道不同部位的菌群分布情况,以及用粪便中菌群作为肠道菌群代替的缺陷。
研究结论:First, when the site of fecal and mucosal samples are further apart, their microbial communities are more distinct, as indicated by low mean Sørensen similarity indices for each patient’s fecal and tissue microbiota. 大肠和粪便菌群存在较大区别。Second, two distinct niches (intestinal mucosa and fecal microbiota)are evident by principal component analyses, demonstrating the critical role of sample source in defining microbial composition. PCoA发现大肠和粪便是两个不同类别。Finally, in contrast to adult studies, intestinal bacterial diversity was higher in tissue than in fecal samples. 多样性存在差异。
研究方案:Fifteen neonates (8 females, 7 males) undergoing intestinal resections were recruited for this study. Eight patients were exposed to antibiotics at least 24 h prior to surgery. The majority of tissue samples were obtained from the small intestine (10 ileal and 3 jejunal samples); two colonic samples were also collected. 选择 15个新生儿样本,8个女孩,7个男孩,都是在进行intestinal resections,15个样品的取样部位存在细微区别,详细如下
1)SI指数的区别,SI表示样品的相关性。SI is a statistic that compares the similarity of two samples, with exact similarity of the feces and tissue microbiota set at 1 and no similarity set at 0. 如上表所示,最大值为0.52。
2)CN指数的区别,CN是表示相似型。We observed the same trend when we used the Sorensen Quantitative index (CN) with 95% Bootstrap confidence intervals, a similarity metric that compares the similarity of two samples on the basis of taxon presence or absence。相似度也不是很高。
6)Simpson’s inverse index, Shannon-Wiener和Chao 1值在大肠、粪便中的差异
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