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文章Microbial diversity in individuals and their的解读

已有 3016 次阅读 2016-10-9 15:47 |个人分类:科研文章|系统分类:科研笔记| 宏基因组

文章:Microbial diversity in individuals and their household contacts following typical antibiotic courses

时间:2016                     杂志:Microbiome

研究目的:(1) discern the effects of the 2 most commonly prescribed antibioticson the microbiota of the skin, gut, and mouth, (2) characterize the degree of similarity in the microbiota of unrelated household contacts and decipher whether it is significantly affected by antibiotic use, (3) characterizethe long-term effects of typical antibiotic prescriptionson microbiota diversity, and (4) discern whether there may be collateral effects to antibiotic use for the diversity of microbiota in household contacts.

研究方案:We recruited and sampled the feces, saliva, and skin from a cohort of 56 subjects over a 6-month period fromthe University of California, San Diego, campus. Of those 56 individuals, there were 24 separate households consisting of 2 individuals and 8 separate controls not enrolled with a housemate.


     1) between household pairs longitudinally and comparing with individuals from separate households, we found smaller distances among the household pairs, which was statistically significant (p < 0.05) in the gut, saliva, and skin for all households. The similarity observed in the bacterial biota was not significantly affected by the use of antibiotics, as the same patterns were observed in households that received azithromycin and those that received amoxicillin.

   2) 样品间的差异随时间延长而增加,无论抗生素使用与否。a clear trend could be ob-served for most time points, as those control subjects who received no treatment also demonstrated the same trend.

   3) 样本无法根据抗生素使用与否、时间等因素分开,差异更多体现在取样部位上

    4) 差异的菌属分析

    5) alpha多样性的分析,抗生素与安慰剂组的差值进行作图


   1)在菌群的研究中,如何将众多的菌整合成1个或少数几个指标是数据处理的关键,文章利用weighted UniFrac distances作为一个值整体代表群体状态进行比较分析,值得类似研究中学习和借鉴。


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