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Installation of MIDAS on Mac OS X

已有 5233 次阅读 2015-10-20 04:47 |个人分类:玩转电脑|系统分类:科研笔记| 安装, Mac, midas

安装系统:Mac OS X 10.9.4 Inter Core i5

安装软件:eso-MIDAS 15SEPpl1.0.tar.gz   ftp Download

注: 最先安装15FEBpl1.3.tar.gz 版本,执行plot 会报错  not find plotrow.exe



(ERR) Problems in executing /plotcol.exe



  1. ==Install midas on Mac OS X--------

    abREN$ mkdir midas

    move gz file to midas and then unzip the file

    abREN$ tar -xvf 15SEPpl1.0.tar.gz

    abREN$ ln -s 15SEPpl1.0 15SEP
    abREN$ cd /Users/abREN/midas/15SEP/install/unix
    abREN$ sh config



        1 - list of MIDAS packages available

        2 - select only MIDAS core

        3 - select all MIDAS packages

        4 - select MIDAS core & packages of your choice

        5 - preinstall MIDAS

        6 - install MIDAS

        66 - install MIDAS - prepare own MAKE_OPTIONS

        67 - install MIDAS - use the MAKE_OPTIONS above

        7 - update MIDAS

        8 - setup MIDAS

        9 - clean MIDAS

        10- help

         q - quit

                  Select:  5 ;注:此过程会检查出缺失的软件,缺什么就补什么吧
                  Select: 2, 3 or 4
    (select MIDAS packages)
                  Select: 6      
    (install MIDAS)
    (For Linux, see NOTE above)
                  Do you want to check the OS library <oslib.a> [yn]? (y): y
                  Do you want to continue [yn]? (y): y
                  Running install in background
                  Results are coming in <midas_dir>/15SEPpl1.0/tmp/
                  Select: 8 
    (setup MIDAS)
                   Select: q       (quit config)
         The MIDAS installation is now beeing executed in background and logged in a temporary file.
    To trace the execution of the installation procedure try:

    $ tail -f <midas_dir>/15FEBpl1.3/tmp/install.<here_a_number>
     When the installation is finished, you can continue with the MIDAS setup:
     As a normal user, modify you PATH enviroment:
    In a Bourne shell or alike:
    $ PATH=<midas_dir>/15SEPpl1.0/system/unix:$PATH ; export PATH
    Or in a Csh shell or alike:
    $ setenv PATH <midas_dir>/15SEPpl1.0/system/unix:$PATH

    ==Create and move to a temporary area----------------
    abREN$ cd /User/abREN/midas/
    abREN$ mkdir tmp ; cd tmp
    abREN$ PATH=/Users/abREN/midas/15SEP/system/unix/:$PATH ; export PATH   注:最后将这行加到系统环境变量;

    Running MIDAS for the first time————————
    abREN$ inmidas         ! Note: 如果有问题可重新打开终端,执行上一步
    Midas 001> @ compile.all
    (this will produce about 40 lines of output and it will exit to the Shell)
    abREN$ gomidas
    Midas 002> @ ascii_bin
    (this will create the LUTs and ITTs files)
    Midas 003> bye

    Verifying MIDAS——————————————
    abREN$ export MID TEST=/midas/demo/data
    abREN$ cd /Users/abREN/midas/tmp
    abREN$ inmidas

    Midas 001> @ superverify

    Cleaning MIDAS—I skip this step——————
    abREN$ cd /Users/abREN/midas/15SEP
    abREN$ ./system/uni

    ==Set Environment Variables--------------------------

    Step 1: Open up a Terminal window (this is in your Applications/Utilites folder by default)

    Step 2: Enter the follow commands:

    abREN$ touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile

    Step 3: Add the following line to the end of the file adding whatever additional directory you want in your path:

    abREN$ export PATH=/Users/abREN/midas/15SEP/system/unix/:$PATH

    Step 4: Save the .bash_profile file and Quit (Command + Q) Text Edit.

    Step 5: Force the .bash_profile to execute. This loads the values immediately without having to reboot. In your Terminal window, run the following command.

    abREN$ source ~/.bash_profile

    That’s it! Now you know how to edit the PATH on your Mac OS X computer system. You can confirm the new path by opening a new Terminal windows and running:

    abREN$ echo $PATH

    You should now see the values you want in your PATH.


        参考资料: 1. eso-midas: Installation of MIDAS on UNIX/Linux Systems.pdf

                        2. 压缩包内README.sources文件

                        3. 环境变量设置参考: http://ju.outofmemory.cn/entry/141442 

                                                                       2015-10-19 22:39 @Brussels, Belgium. for 15FEBpl1.3.tar.gz

                                                                       2015-11-19 16:11 @Brussels, Belgium.  for 15SEPpl1.0.tar.gz


下一篇:[MIDAS] Correction of bad columns
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