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综述:Agent-based modeling (ABM)与惯例动力学研究

已有 3153 次阅读 2021-4-19 08:20 |个人分类:惯例与能力研究|系统分类:论文交流

3月6日,《Review of Managerial Science》在线发表我们的一篇文章:Using agent-based modeling in routine dynamics research: a quantitative and content analysis of literature文章采用数量分析方法,对应用ABM开展组织惯例动力学研究的现有文献进行系统综述,并在此基础上归纳总结了未来可能的四大研究方向。我们在文末呼吁建模工作者同组织惯例的研究者们积极开展对话与合作,共促该研究领域的繁荣和发展。



This paper presents an overview of all scientific contributions using agent-based modeling (ABM) methodology in routine dynamics research. That is a specialized area of study and our extensive literature search revealed only a total of 12 contributions. We did a quantitative analysis of these published literature using co-authorship, cross-citation and bibliographic coupling methods. We then complemented the overview with a content analysis of substantial focus of these literatures. We summarized their findings and showed how ABM is applied in routine dynamics research. By elaborating on what has been done, we provide an overview of this newly emerging research field and present possible directions for future work. Even though there are only a few publications in this research field, we expect that dialogue between ABM modelers and routine scholars would be beneficial to promote the development in this area. It would be conducive to advancing the understanding of complex internal structure, processes and dynamics of organizational routines.



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