I am pleased to confirm that we can accept your paper for publication but before we can proceed further major revisions of it are needed.
May I respectfully remind you that this is a rapid publication journal and, as such, no proofs of your paper will be issued to you before it is published. It is therefore imperative that what we send to the printers is correct in all details.
You have been asked previously to advise your paper in accordance with the advice that is given in our Instructions to Authors as well as our Guidance Notes. It is therefore disappointing to record that you have not followed this advice. You would find the use of our Checklist, which is also available online via our website, to be of help to you. In addition you should also consult some recently published papers in this Journal to see the style that is preferred. Overall, the quality of the writing in your paper remains very poor, it would benefit it considerably if you could seek the help of a professional paper writing agency to ensure a much higher standard of presentation.
Of particular concern are the following points. However, these are not necessarily complete and you must therefore carefully check your final manuscript against the advice we give in our Instructions to Authors.
于是,我根据他的建议,对照Instructions to Authors、Guidance Notes和Checklist,将文章从头至尾认真地修改了几遍,直到自己觉得满意后才寄回去。
We determine to retract our manuscript for publication in your journal because you always surpass your right as an editor other than a reviewer. We have fully revised the article based on reviewers' suggestions, and also modified its style obeying the instruction to authors. Unfortunately, you indicate new challenges against it this time. Actually you always misunderstand our work and often suggest some unacceptable opinions. I want you know every research work is not complete at all, and the academic value of an article is the real importance but not grammar and words. Although we are not native English speakers, we have published about 10 papers in English journals. We wish you change your behavior as an editor and never mislead other authors. Thank you for your serious reply letters!