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Research on the chelation between quercetin and Cr(III) ion

已有 2543 次阅读 2012-10-6 11:32 |系统分类:论文交流| between

In order to locate the exact chelation site, the chelation between quercetin and Cr(III) ion is studied using
the theoretical methods. Many different potential complexes, formed with natural and deprotonated
quercetin chelating bare and hydrated Cr(III) ion, respectively, are studied by using Density Functional
Theory method. Both total and binding energies are calculated. The results from the studies indicate that
Cr(III) ion is affine in forming a complex with quercetin at the 5-hydroxy-4-keto site and that deprotonated
quercetin has stronger chelating power than natural quercetin. Apart from the theoretical studies,
the experiments are performed to modify the theoretical conclusions. Meanwhile, quercetin–Cr(III) complex
has been synthesized, and the chelation site is analyzed using IR spectroscopy and UV/vis spectrum.
The experimental results are found to have the same conclusions as those by theoretical studies.


上一篇:Antioxidant property of quercetin Cr complex: the role cr
下一篇:Mechanism of DNA damage induced by arecaidine: The role of C
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