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Top Ten Papers - Derong Liu

已有 5828 次阅读 2010-8-30 10:34 |个人分类:论文*杂志|系统分类:科研笔记| Papers, Derong, publications, 刘德荣, Liu

Derong Liu's Top Ten Papers
  1. F. Y. Wang, N. Jin, D. Liu, and Q. Wei, "Adaptive dynamic programming for finite horizon optimal control of discrete-time nonlinear systems with epsilon-error bound," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, accepted for publication.
  2. D. Liu, Z. Pang, and Z. Wang, "Epileptic seizure prediction by a system of particle filter associated with a neural network," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol.2009, article ID 638534, 10 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/638534.
  3. D. Liu and Y. Cai, "Taguchi method for solving the economic dispatch problem with nonsmooth cost functions," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 2006-2014, Nov. 2005.
  4. D. Liu, Y. Zhang, and H. Zhang, "A self-learning call admission control scheme for CDMA cellular networks," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.16, no.5, pp.1219-1228, Sept. 2005.
  5. D. Liu and A. Molchanov, "Asymptotic stability of a class of linear discrete systems with multiple independent variables," Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol.22, no.3, pp.307-324, May-June 2003.
  6. D. Liu, E. I. Sara, and W. Sun, "Nested auto-regressive processes for MPEG-encoded video traffic modeling," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.11, no.2, pp.169-183, Feb. 2001.
  7. D. Liu and Z. Lu, "A new synthesis approach for feedback neural networks based on the perceptron training algorithm," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.8, no.6, pp.1468-1482, Nov. 1997.
  8. D. Liu and A. N. Michel, "Sparsely interconnected neural networks for associative memories with applications to cellular neural networks," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol.41, no.4, pp.295-307, Apr. 1994.
  9. D. Liu and A. N. Michel, "Stability analysis of state-space realizations for two-dimensional filters with overflow nonlinearities," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol.41, no.2, pp.127-137, Feb. 1994.
  10. D. Liu and A. N. Michel, "Asymptotic stability of discrete-time systems with saturation nonlinearities with applications to digital filters," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol.39, no.10, pp.798-807, Oct. 1992.


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