结核病是一个古老的疾病,至今至少已有4000年的历史。 从使用抗结核药物治疗结核病开始,就出现有关结核病耐药的报道。然而,长期以来,人们沉浸于对结核病斗争取得的成就中,并一度乐观认为消灭结核病的时间已经不远了,对结核菌的耐药现象人们并没有引起足够重视。直到20世纪90年代,随着结核病在全球范围的"死灰复燃",人们对于结核病的耐药现象才开始警觉起来。时至今日,耐药结核病尤其是耐多药结核病已成为结核病控制工作的三大挑战之一,严重威胁人们在结核病控制领域取得的成就。如何有效控制耐药结核病,成为全球结核病控制工作面临的紧迫工作。
耐多药(Multidrug resistance,MDR-TB):结核杆菌至少对异烟肼、利福平耐药。
数据来源 http://www.pubmedplus.cn/
01.梅建;上海市疾病预防控制中心/17283636SN6 13 篇0.284% 02.赵雁林;中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)/23751475SN4 12 篇0.262% 03.张文宏;复旦大学附属华山医院/16732924SN0 11 篇0.240% 04.王洪海;复旦大学校本部/17172040SN3 11 篇0.240% 05.高谦;复旦大学校本部/17890122SN6 11 篇0.240% 06.逄宇;中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)/25689373SN2 10 篇0.219% 07.桂晓虹;上海市疾病预防控制中心/17283636SN4 9 篇0.197% 08.徐飚;复旦大学校本部/25138531SN0 9 篇0.197% 09.万康林;中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)/23889607SN11 8 篇0.175% 10.王伟炳;复旦大学校本部/25460616SN2 8 篇0.175% 查看更多
02.中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院) 35 篇0.765% 03.同济大学附属上海市肺科医院 23 篇0.503% 04.首都医科大学北京胸科医院 22 篇0.481% 05.上海市疾病预防控制中心 13 篇0.284% 07.中国医学科学院(北京协和医学院)未分类 9 篇0.197% 查看更多
01.mycobacterium tuberculosis 2744 篇59.991% 02.antitubercular agents 2547 篇55.684% 03.tuberculosis, multidrug-resistant 2198 篇48.054% 04.drug resistance, multiple, bacterial 1311 篇28.662% 05.microbial sensitivity tests 1258 篇27.503% 06.tuberculosis, pulmonary 1094 篇23.918% 07.tuberculosis 999 篇21.841% 09.drug resistance, bacterial 709 篇15.501% 10.isoniazid 662 篇14.473% 11.drug resistance, microbial 563 篇12.309% 12.drug resistance, multiple 526 篇11.500% 14.bacterial proteins 413 篇9.029% 15.prevalence 383 篇8.373% 17.hiv infections 347 篇7.586% 18.risk factors 346 篇7.564% 19.dna, bacterial 344 篇7.521% 20.treatment outcome 330 篇7.215% 21.retrospective studies 327 篇7.149% 22.drug therapy, combination 310 篇6.777% 24.antibiotics, antitubercular 293 篇6.406% 25.anti-bacterial agents 288 篇6.296% 26.polymerase chain reaction 273 篇5.969% 28.sensitivity and specificity 249 篇5.444% 29.aids-related opportunistic infections 236 篇5.160% 30.extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis 226 篇4.941% 31.time factors 206 篇4.504% 32.ethambutol 200 篇4.373% 33.streptomycin 191 篇4.176% 34.disease outbreaks 163 篇3.564% 35.polymorphism, restriction fragment length 154 篇3.367% 36.sequence analysis, dna 152 篇3.323% 37.population surveillance 149 篇3.258% 38.molecular sequence data 146 篇3.192% 39.fluoroquinolones 141 篇3.083% 40.genes, bacterial 141 篇3.083% 41.world health 132 篇2.886% 42.pyrazinamide 127 篇2.777% 43.recurrence 118 篇2.580% 44.bacterial typing techniques 116 篇2.536% 45.prospective studies 115 篇2.514% 47.base sequence 111 篇2.427% 48.dna fingerprinting 105 篇2.296% 49.treatment failure 101 篇2.208% 50.directly observed therapy 100 篇2.186% 01.antitubercular agents 2547 篇55.684% 03.isoniazid 662 篇14.473% 04.bacterial proteins 413 篇9.029% 05.dna, bacterial 344 篇7.521% 06.antibiotics, antitubercular 293 篇6.406% 07.anti-bacterial agents 288 篇6.296% 08.ethambutol 200 篇4.373% 09.streptomycin 191 篇4.176% 10.fluoroquinolones 141 篇3.083% 查看更多
02.细菌感染与真菌病 3558 篇77.787% 04.革兰氏阳性菌感染 3504 篇76.607% 07.结核, 抗多种药物性结核 2904 篇63.489% 26.艾滋病相关机会致病菌感染 237 篇5.181% 27.获得性免疫缺陷综合征 197 篇4.307% 50.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症 33 篇0.721% 01.department of microbiology 177 篇3.870% 02.department of medicine 165 篇3.607% 03.department of internal medicine 65 篇1.421% 04.department of medical microbiology 49 篇1.071% 05.division of infectious diseases 49 篇1.071% 06.department of epidemiology 43 篇0.940% 07.school of medicine 43 篇0.940% 08.department of infectious diseases 36 篇0.787% 09.division of tuberculosis elimination 36 篇0.787% 10.institute of tropical medicine 34 篇0.743%