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Top 25 Hottest Articles
January to March 2012
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Biological effects of essential oils - A review • Review article
Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 446-475
Bakkali, F.; Averbeck, S.; Averbeck, D.; Idaomar, M.
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Biodiesel production: a review • Article
Bioresource Technology, Volume 70, Issue 1, October 1999, Pages 1-15
Ma, F.; Hanna, M.A.
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Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials for ethanol production: a review • Article
Bioresource Technology, Volume 83, Issue 1, May 2002, Pages 1-11
Sun, Y.; Cheng, J.
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Thermal degradation kinetics of nutrients in orange juice heated by electromagnetic and conventional methods • Article
Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 69, Issue 1, July 2005, Pages 31-40
Vikram, V.B.; Ramesh, M.N.; Prapulla, S.G.
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What do we need to know about speciation? • Review article
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 27-39
The Marie Curie SPECIATION Network
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Cultivation, photobioreactor design and harvesting of microalgae for biodiesel production: A critical review • Article
Bioresource Technology, Volume 102, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 71-81
Chen, C.Y.; Yeh, K.L.; Aisyah, R.; Lee, D.J.; Chang, J.S.
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Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods-a review • Review article
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 94, Issue 3, August 2004, Pages 223-253
Burt, S.
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Review of fast pyrolysis of biomass and product upgrading • Article
Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 38, March 2012, Pages 68-94
Bridgwater, A.V.
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DPPH antioxidant assay revisited • Article
Food Chemistry, Volume 113, Issue 4, April 2009, Pages 1202-1205
Sharma, O.P.; Bhat, T.K.
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Biodiversity and ecosystem services: a multilayered relationship • Review article
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 19-26
Mace, G.M.; Norris, K.; Fitter, A.H.
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Hormone signaling in plant development • Review article
Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Volume 15, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 92-96
Durbak, A.; Yao, H.; McSteen, P.
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Generalized linear mixed models: a practical guide for ecology and evolution • Review article
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 24, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 127-135
Bolker, B.M.; Brooks, M.E.; Clark, C.J.; Geange, S.W.; Poulsen, J.R.; Stevens, M.H.H.; White, J.S.S.
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Biochar effects on soil biota - A review • Review article
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Volume 43, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 1812-1836
Lehmann, J.; Rillig, M.C.; Thies, J.; Masiello, C.A.; Hockaday, W.C.; Crowley, D.
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Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease: lessons for conservation biology • Review article
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 23, Issue 11, November 2008, Pages 631-637
McCallum, H.
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The potential of sustainable algal biofuel production using wastewater resources • Article
Bioresource Technology, Volume 102, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 17-25
Pittman, J.K.; Dean, A.P.; Osundeko, O.
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Degradation of vitamin C in citrus juice concentrates during storage • Article
Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 74, Issue 2, May 2006, Pages 211-216
Burdurlu, H.S.; Koca, N.; Karadeniz, F.
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The ecological causes of evolution • Review article
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 26, Issue 10, October 2011, Pages 514-522
MacColl, A.D.C.
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Taking the example of computer systems engineering for the analysis of biological cell systems • Article
Biosystems, Volume 90, Issue 3, November 2007, Pages 623-635
Pronk, T.E.; Pimentel, A.D.; Roos, M.; Breit, T.M.
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The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review • Review article
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 44, Issue 9, September 2002, Pages 842-852
Derraik, J.G.B.
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The many costs of sex • Review article
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 27, Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 172-178
Lehtonen, J.; Jennions, M.D.; Kokko, H.
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A critical review of methods for characterisation of polyphenolic compounds in fruits and vegetables • Review article
Food Chemistry, Volume 126, Issue 4, June 2011, Pages 1821-1835
Ignat, I.; Volf, I.; Popa, V.I.
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Pretreatment technologies for an efficient bioethanol production process based on enzymatic hydrolysis: A review • Article
Bioresource Technology, Volume 101, Issue 13, July 2010, Pages 4851-4861
Alvira, P.; Tomas-Pejo, E.; Ballesteros, M.; Negro, M.J.
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Climate change and coral reef bleaching: An ecological assessment of long-term impacts, recovery trends and future outlook • Article
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 80, Issue 4, December 2008, Pages 435-471
Baker, A.C.; Glynn, P.W.; Riegl, B.
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Anaerobic digestion of organic solid wastes. An overview of research achievements and perspectives • Article
Bioresource Technology, Volume 74, Issue 1, August 2000, Pages 3-16
Mata-Alvarez, J.; Mace, S.; Llabres, P.
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Time to change how we describe biodiversity • Review article
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 27, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 78-84
Deans, A.R.; Yoder, M.J.; Balhoff, J.P.
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