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已有 2791 次阅读 2022-5-24 16:37 |个人分类:美学诗文|系统分类:诗词雅集|文章来源:转载



梦呓    书法简史










Xiang Guang Ye

After writing a word for a lifetime, people chase its shadow through time and space.

All kinds of Chinese characters attract bees and butterflies? I'm not a bee and butterfly, but I think even a mo'e son will flutter and want to breathe her fragrance.

Chinese characters have evolved from pure writing to art, which is probably the magic of the magic pen of Chinese calligraphers in previous dynasties.

The simple and unsophisticated oracle bone inscriptions are unwilling to evolve lonely. They have been staggered for a long time from vertical to horizontal. Finally, they turn around and seal up. Their round and delicate posture is like blooming plum blossoms, which have been beautiful for thousands of generations.

Seal characters are not really arbitrary and spoiled. Its full lines of plain and dignified, dense and prosperous momentum, gradually flat and soothing, so the silkworm head and goose tail leap forward, beautiful, neat and ancient, a lot of style. Yi Ying is neat and spectacular, gentle and mellow; Pointing to ritual vessels: Ancient MaoYuan elegant, vigorous and powerful; "Kong Zhou" has a long front and strong meaning, and the pen is stretched; The style of Shi Chen is steep and the spirit is ups and downs; "Zhang Qian" has strong writing power, vigorous and simple; "Cao Quan" is plump, soft and mellow. This is just like the Li method of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, which refreshes the unification of the Han seal script.

Silkworm head and goose tail are booming, but after all, they have their limitations. The more rigid brushwork restricts the trend of flying. Lu Ji and other people are full of ambition and Zhang Cao, with round brushwork, smooth and beautiful body, and walk alone in the world of calligraphy. The aspirant who has the speed of flying sand and stones broke through Fan Li, and the unique grass rose up with the trend. The crazy Su Yingxu was born in the air and innovated the rules of Zhang Cao. Xi Xian calmly selected the path of running calligraphy, and gave birth to the immortal calligrapher. To meet the needs of the pavilion, the sharp edge is restrained. The main book is correct and eight classics have stabilized the trend of irritability, and derived the four models of Ou Liuyan and Zhao. Zhong you, the founder of the book, has prepared all the testimonies, which are high, ancient, simple and wonderful. The structure and layout of regular script are highlighted, which has played an unparalleled role in promoting the evolution of official script to regular script. From the end of the period to the end of the Tang Dynasty, regular script became popular, which established the foundation of regular script and reached the peak of unification. Ouyang Xun, the first one to achieve the highest achievement, has a graceful and elegant book, exquisite and beautiful, and has a long history. Yan Zhenqing created a new style, rich and broad, beautiful and powerful, which is loved by future generations. Liu Gongquan's book is sharp, rigorous, meticulous, sparse and uneven, and has a clear and healthy look, which has been highly praised by countless good scholars. Later, Zhao Mengfu learned from hundreds of schools and dared to innovate after being inclusive. Its regular script with lines, neat and free and easy charm, which is favored by later generations..

Regular script is the only way for calligraphers. Edifying a large number of experts, and then inheriting the unique fertility of Chinese characters and carrying forward the essence of Chinese culture is similar to the aspiration of my generation.











300 new rhyme couplets • opening

Maple forest drunk

Lie down and listen to the wind and rain outside the window; Watch the waves in the middle of the river hit the boat.

A few volumes of poetry and books fade away the years; A pot of muddy wine plays fleeting years.

Remembrance of Jinge TieMa Cheng; Chivalrous shadow trace Fu Xiaotan.

Make fun of the moon and the wind as I like; Toss rivers and seas on people's shoulders.

Liu DISONG path picks up children's interest, and Yu Yuqiong tower looks at the hometown.

Shake off the dust and worry less; Put aside your desires and relax your mind.

Cultivate fertile soil frequently and cultivate a garden of fragrance; Lazily attend to Xuanmen to prove the fate of Taoism.



1. 一轮旭日耀春光(林小青晋江)

2. 一春香色聚江心(邹高峰)

3. 一轮旭日耀春光(林小青)

4. 满山月色罩钟声(闲云看客)

5. 春风柳韵醉晨光(浩洋)

6. 碧溪垂柳点波峰(浩洋)

7. 枝头点点蕾(黄金明)


8. 一溪柳韵醉晨光(浩洋)

9. 一钩晓月映清波(胡正元)

10. 三杯老窖映凡尘(久护)

11. 一湾柳月透波峰(浩洋)

12. 两支鼓棒舞船头(天地人 )

13. 一群锦鲤戏云边(天马行空)

14. 一泓碧水照春屏(王章羽 )

15. 满天星斗落江中(阴山戍客 )

16. 双桥李树种溪头(正宗辉煌 )

17. 满湖春风醉天仙(程门立雪)

18. 一溪明月漾金波(仙游黄世雄)

19. 三山竹绿映春屏(正宗辉煌 )

20. 三江钓友醉八仙(程门立雪)

21. 一湖柳影荡诗心(仙游黄世雄)

22. 一江锦瑟托春心(邹高峰)

23. 七彩虹桥映心帘(党永锋)

24. 一川烟雨入诗篇(孤帆远影)

25. 一堆狗肉挂羊头(天地人 )

26. 三湘府邸卧苍龙。(程门立雪)

27. 几艘渔棹剪明湖(郭明天 )

28. 一堤柳絮洒空中(王海燕)

29. 一行柳絮落湖心(邹学权 )

30. 几双燕羽掠湖波(龙凤呈祥)

31. 一池菡菡出淤泥(龙湾居士)

32. 一江春色酿诗情(孤帆远影)

33. 一湾湖水映苍天(福中之福)

34. 一眉柳叶挂天边


35. 双方柳絮嵌窗棱。(耿速)

36. 三泉碧水映清明(正宗辉煌 )

37. 一行鹭鸟嵌图中(孤帆远影)

38. 三峰柏籽入窗棱(华峰)

39. 千江月影醉诗怀(高毓俊)

40. 一江帆影上云边(贾宝汀)

41. 双方柳絮嵌窗容(耿速)

42. 三春燕子剪花间(马晓明)

43. 一弯初月作云簪(踏雪寻梅 )

44. 一支荷角立波中 (柳河)

45. 一蓑烟雨任平生(余哥唱晚 )

46, 一湾春水照羞颜(阿拉丁香)

47. 两岸桃花开满山(云飞扬)

48. 群峰柳絮落林间(蛟龙)

49. 一溪山色罩云峰(芳草)

50. 一江月色映山头


51. 一江月色映山头。


52. 一江春水起绯红。(廖金堆)

53. 千名学子饰花园(丘富开)


54. 几声鸟语入帘栊(孤帆远影)

55. 一湖柳影荡诗心(七字余句 )

56. 出句:一杯马奶润心田(丘富开)





57. 一杯马奶润心田(丘富开)

58. 几曲酒歌明肝胆(云飞扬)

59. 何处花香闻笑语(云飞扬)

60. 一窗明月皱荷塘(南翔)

61. 千峰草色入屏风(马文俊)

62. 一溪野鹤乱波心(杨兆根)

63. 一帘香梦落图中。

千秋风月搅人心。(陈金藏 )

64. 几声鸟语唤晨光(梁中觉南宁)


Sentence: Peach Blossom inlaid mirror on both sides (cook)

1. A rising sun shines in the spring (Lin Xiaoqing, Jinjiang)

2. The fragrance of spring gathers in the heart of the river (Zou Gaofeng)

3. A rising sun shines in the spring (Lin Xiaoqing)

4. The mountain is covered with moonlight and the bell sounds (idle clouds watch visitors)

5. Spring breeze and willow charm intoxicate the morning light (Haoyang)

6. Bixi weeping willow point crest (Haoyang)

7. Branches and buds (Huang Jinming)

A misty rain fills my heart (Huang Jinming)

8. Yixi Liuyun drunk in the morning (Haoyang)

9. Yigou Xiaoyue yingqingbo (Hu Zhengyuan)

Fan Jiao San Hu (10)

11. Yiwan Liuyue transparent wave peak (Haoyang)

12. Dance bow with two drum sticks (heaven, earth and man)

13. A group of Koi playing in the clouds

14. A clear water shines on the spring screen (Wang Zhangyu)

15. Stars fall into the river (guarding guests in Yinshan)

16. Shuangqiao plum tree planting Xitou (authentic brilliance)

17. The spring breeze over the lake intoxicates the Immortals (Cheng menlixue)

18. A stream of bright moon and golden waves (Xianyou Huang Shixiong)

19. Three mountains bamboo green screen reflecting spring (authentic brilliance)

20. Sanjiang fishing friends drunk Eight Immortals (Cheng menlixue)

21. Liu Ying Dang's poetic heart in a lake (Xianyou Huang Shixiong)

22. Yijiang Jinse tuochunxin (Zou Gaofeng)

23. Seven rainbow bridge Yingxin curtain (Dang Yongfeng)

24. Misty rain in a river enters the poem (distant shadow of a lone sail)

25. A pile of dog meat hanging sheep's head (heaven, earth and man)

26. Sanxiang mansion lies Canglong. (Cheng menlixue)

27. Several fishing boats to Jianming Lake (Guo tomorrow)

28. A bank of catkins sprinkles in the air (Wang Haiyan)

29. A line of catkins falls into the center of the lake (Zou Xuequan)

30. Several pairs of swallow feathers sweep the lake (Dragon and Phoenix are auspicious)

31. A pool of Han Han leaves mud (Longwan resident)

32. The spring scenery of a river brews Poetry (the distant shadow of a lone sail)

33. A bay of lake reflects the sky (blessing among blessings)

34. One eyebrow willow leaves hang in the sky

(CAI Fangqi, Quanzhou)

35. Catkins are embedded in window edges on both sides. (Geng Su)

36. Three springs and clear water reflect Qingming (authentic brilliance)

37. A row of herons is embedded in the picture (distant shadow of a lone sail)

38. Sanfeng cypress seeds enter the window edge (Huafeng)

39. Qianjiang moon shadow drunk Poetry (Gao Yujun)

40. On the edge of the clouds in the shadow of a river (Jia Baoting)

41. Catkins embedded in windows on both sides (Geng Su)

42. Three spring swallow flower cutting room (MA Xiaoming)

43. A cloud hairpin in the early moon of a bend (stepping on the snow to look for plum)

44. A Hejiao libozhong (Liuhe river)

45. A raindrop and a misty rain in one's life (brother Yu sings late)

46. A bay of spring water shines with shame (alaxiang)

47. Peach blossoms bloom all over the mountains on both sides (clouds flying)

48. Catkins fall into the forest (Jiaolong)

49. Yixi mountain covers Yunfeng (fragrant grass)

50. The moonlight on the river reflects the mountain

(every bird)

51. The moonlight on the river reflects the mountain.

(every bird)

52. The spring water of a river turns crimson. (Liao Jindui)

53. Garden decorated by thousands of students (Qiu Fukai)

A cup of horse milk moistens the heart (Qiu Fukai)

54. A few birds singing into the curtain for a long time (distant shadow of a lone sail)

55. A lake of willow shadow swings the heart of Poetry (seven character remaining sentences)

56. A cup of horse milk moistens the heart (Qiu Fukai)

Couplet: a few songs of wine can brighten the liver and gall

(clouds flying)

Sentence: a few bird songs enter the curtain for a long time (distant shadow of a lonely sail)

Where do the flowers smell the laughter

57. A cup of horse milk moistens the heart (Qiu Fukai)

58. A few songs of wine can make the liver and gall clear (clouds flying)

59. Where do the flowers smell laughter (clouds flying)

60. One window bright moon wrinkled lotus pond (Nanxiang)

61. Qianfeng grass color into the screen (MA Wenjun)

62. Yixi wild crane luanboxin (Yang zhaogen)

63. A curtain of incense falls into the picture.

The eternal wind and moon stir people's hearts. (Chen jinzang)

64. A few birds call the morning light (Liang Zhongjue, Nanning)


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