胡乱翻阅Emerson的Journal(日札),见1836年9月24日引用了歌德的话:Should was the genius of theantique drama; Would of the modern, but should is always great and stern; wouldis weak and small。另一个版本是,Shouldis the genius of antique / classic drama; not would of the Renaissance. 从注释知道原话见歌德“说不尽的莎士比亚”(Shakespeare undkein Ende)。可我没有歌老的原文(德文当然不认识我,我也无英译本),倒是在以前无意得来的一本歌德《论文学艺术》里看到了它的中译文——但没找到对应的句子,怀疑E是随“意”抄录的。歌老原话的精神可见于下面一段话(安书祉译):
莎翁《哈姆雷特》近尾声时有句台词,And then this “should” is like a spend thrift sigh,有英文“白话版”将它“翻译”为:And then all our“woulds” and “shoulds” are nothing but hot air. 牛津词典在should条下恰好也引用了Emerson的话:All writings must be in a degreeexoteric, written to a human should or would, instead of to the fatal is. (Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume VIII: Lettersand Social Aims. Poetry and Imagination)这句话的意思大概是,所有作品都应当写人的愿与不愿,而不是写命该如此。
Emerson自己也用那俩词儿表达过类似歌老的意思(见全集Vol.12, Art and Criticism):古典艺术是关于必然的艺术,而现代浪漫艺术则贴着任性的标签:前者有法度,而后者很随意。(What is the Classic? Classic art is the art of necessity; organic;modern or romantic bears the stamp of caprice or chance. One is the product ofinclination, of caprice, of haphazard; the other carries its law and necessitywithin itself.)接下来的话更有趣:君主制浪漫而民主制古典。古典是一点点展开,而浪漫是一点点叠加(The classic unfolds, the romantic adds);古代讲should而现代讲would。古典健康而浪漫病态(The classic is healthy,the romantic is sick.)……
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